WHY??! (not for the faint at heart)


Brother of Metal
Jul 24, 2003
I finally purchased Faith No More - Angel Dust today at the used CD store. I was disgusted to see Dead Can Dance, old Sepultura, Tool, Anathema, Mr. Bungle, COC, and yes (grab a hold of yourselves) THE ENTIRE OPETH CATALOGUE! I don't know what brings some of these sick people to pawn off their metal collections.. Oh, well.. one man's garbage, another's treasure..

My question to you all.. why is there so much metal (especially Opeth) at the used CD's stores?!
id say alot of those cds are people that think theyll be hardcore if they buy those cds, then they listen to it and think its horrible and untalented wall of noise, then after a while of people acknowledging they have that cd they finally get rid of it, and trade it in for the latest linkin park cd, their tr00 calling
I jsut sold a bunch of cd's, my dying bride, type o negative and sepultura, I suppose I suck because I sold these? Personally I got sick of listening to them and needed some new music.

2nd hand music gave me the change to get Morningrise in the origional packaging, and a bunch of new cd's when i didnt want my old ones, I dont see what you are complaining about.
^agreed. I'm still waiting though. Sometimes I wonder if I'll still be blasting Opeth while driving my daughter to school in about 6 years. Who knows? Heh: something I've been wondering about lately: how old can you be and still wear "metal" shirts and still be taken seriously? Maybe I'll start a thread on it so I don't derail this one.
@bangadrian haha! i'm the only person I know that listens to metal (of any kind). I don't fit your stereotypical metal-listener image. When I wear my metal shirts, my wife says i look like a "freaking redneck". I agree with her assertion. I just think the whole thing is funny though because i don't know where to draw the line. How old can you be and still comfortably wear black t-shirts with band names on them? Is it extremely variable or do you think there is limit? (I don't mean "succumbing to social pressure". I'm wondering if, upon conducting an experiment, one would demonstrate that people stopped wearing metal shirts at say, age 25...or whatever).

Admittedly, I'm not concerned about social image and other people's opinions, but I *am* aware and smart enough to know that certain things can end up acting as barriers. If my beard gives me too much unwarranted attention at work, it's coming off. If the attention metal shirts garner becomes too annoying, then I'll stop wearing them.

As for my tastes in metal becoming jaded as I get older, then so be it. I think it will happen but I don't think there's much I can do about it.
My dad still has a deep purple t-shirt, its faded and stuff. He'd still wear it if it still fitted him but it doesn't, he wore it like 6 years ago before he got a potbelly though. I am sure I will still listen to metal when I get old, because in my opinion, I am just now starting out listening to metal at age 17. IMO metal is for an older audience, unlike punk and mainstream.. anything... which is what i started out with in mah childhood. First metal band I heard was Opeth when I was maybe 14 or 15 w00t, and I credit opeth with saving my life. :P
maybe as you age, the bigger the gap between your age and when the band was around/famous deems what metal shirt is still appropriate to wear, i mean you wouldnt think too much seeing a 40 year old wearing a deep purple, pink floyd or ACDC shirt, but maybe a cannibal corpse or Opeth shirt would get some odd looks :P
probably because people hear that such and such album is good, they buy it, and are frightened of the metalness of it.
either that. or the album is lame, and humans have differing opinions, and what you love, many hate, and vice versa.
I saw a guy who must have been about fourty wearing a last chance to evacuate planet earth before it is recycled tshirt, one cool mofo in my opinion. I wear a dark side of the moon tshirt, an album that was made 11 years before i was born, I dont get strange looks.
Alternative 3 said:
I wear a dark side of the moon tshirt, an album that was made 11 years before i was born, I dont get strange looks.

Probably because Pink Floyd is extremely popular and it's not unusual at all to see kids of almost any age wearing a DSOTM shirt. I remember seeings kids wearing that in like 8th grade.