Why oh why (frustrated) just read...


Female Metal Warrior
Jan 27, 2005
Infernal hails! I am wondering why it is so hard to find quality musicans in PA???? I have been looking for some people in the Downingtown Pa or Philly area to jam with but, everyone is a fucking "love metalist" or a "hard core" fan!

Please if you live near me and are seriouse about REAL metal and want to jam let me know. I have been singing for 8 years now and can do pretty well (can improve like everyone else.)

The list of members I want:
2 Guitraist
1 Drummer
1 Bass
1 Male back up vocalist

Let me know if you know anyone too. Hope to jam soon.
Welcome to my world, I have the same problem, I just had to fired my band last week for lack of commitment.
Satanic_Queen_666 said:
Infernal hails! I am wondering why it is so hard to find quality musicans in PA???? I have been looking for some people in the Downingtown Pa or Philly area to jam with but, everyone is a fucking "love metalist" or a "hard core" fan!

You do have ONE big thing going for you about being in Pa........ Steeler fans. There is a tremendous amount of Steeler fans around the US in general, but certainly bunches in Pa. I would suggest going to the steeler message board (www.steelers.com then click on fan zone, then message board) and look for musicians there. The board is for Steeler and football talk, so be sure to respect that and post on "other football talk" and clearly state what you are posting about in the message, because it isn't really on-topic.

Bryant said:
You do have ONE big thing going for you about being in Pa........ Steeler fans. There is a tremendous amount of Steeler fans around the US in general, but certainly bunches in Pa. I would suggest going to the steeler message board (www.steelers.com then click on fan zone, then message board) and look for musicians there. The board is for Steeler and football talk, so be sure to respect that and post on "other football talk" and clearly state what you are posting about in the message, because it isn't really on-topic.

The thing is, the Philly area is like a long way away from Pittsburgh.:p

I'm from Philly, but I don't have enough equipment to be really serious yet. I'm getting the Peavey Satriani Head soon, cuz I can get a sweet ass deal on it. either that or the 6505(fromerly the 5150). If you're still looking by the time I'm all up to date, I'll let you know.

By the by, what kinda metal are you lookin to play?
plfffffft said:
The thing is, the Philly area is like a long way away from Pittsburgh.:p

I'm from Philly, but I don't have enough equipment to be really serious yet. I'm getting the Peavey Satriani Head soon, cuz I can get a sweet ass deal on it. either that or the 6505(fromerly the 5150). If you're still looking by the time I'm all up to date, I'll let you know.

By the by, what kinda metal are you lookin to play?

I am looking for something along the lines of an Otep/Arch Enemy styled metal. Hard yet phyco and a little senuality involved. I basically want to drain the living shit out of my fans after a show or album. I can do Operatic sound mixed in with bass and "hell-growl"
Bryant said:
You do have ONE big thing going for you about being in Pa........ Steeler fans. There is a tremendous amount of Steeler fans around the US in general, but certainly bunches in Pa. I would suggest going to the steeler message board (www.steelers.com then click on fan zone, then message board) and look for musicians there. The board is for Steeler and football talk, so be sure to respect that and post on "other football talk" and clearly state what you are posting about in the message, because it isn't really on-topic.


Hahaha are any of the steelers fans going to be ready for this?! :hotjump:
Hahaha yeh finding band members sucks until you are established or have established yourself as a band ! Then you can poach from other bands and be like Yoink thanks for the bassist or yoink thanks for the new Lead Guitarist
plfffffft said:
The thing is, the Philly area is like a long way away from Pittsburgh.:p

I'm from Philly, but I don't have enough equipment to be really serious yet. I'm getting the Peavey Satriani Head soon, cuz I can get a sweet ass deal on it. either that or the 6505(fromerly the 5150). If you're still looking by the time I'm all up to date, I'll let you know.

By the by, what kinda metal are you lookin to play?

Ha ha ha I am from LA (lower Alabama.) I suppose we could make a practice spot somewhere in Virginia and meet halfway. Just joking of course. No offense to Philly (congrats to them for going to the SB) but what I was trying to say is that The Steelers have an absolutely incredible following by their fans. If you want to reach a large number of people from Pa. I can't think of a better place.
Congrats on choosing the Peavey head. Peavey has really changed their gear over the last few years and are really starting to cater to the metal musicians much more than in years past. They make some great guitars and amps for metal musicians. Glad you gave them a shot. I own a Peavey Vandenberg and a five string Foundation bass.

Satanic_Queen_666 said:
Hahaha are any of the steelers fans going to be ready for this?! :hotjump:

As I said...... be very respectful of their board. It is for football, not music and I do not condone trolls at all. However, if you clearly state your purpose on the title and maybe even congratulate them on a strong season etc. I am sure most people wouldn't mind your post. You can even promise to make an instrumental of their battle cry (here we go Steelers, here we go) and record it, upload it and give them a link if you succesfully find members from there.

Bryant said:
Ha ha ha I am from LA (lower Alabama.) I suppose we could make a practice spot somewhere in Virginia and meet halfway. Just joking of course. No offense to Philly (congrats to them for going to the SB) but what I was trying to say is that The Steelers have an absolutely incredible following by their fans. If you want to reach a large number of people from Pa. I can't think of a better place.
Congrats on choosing the Peavey head. Peavey has really changed their gear over the last few years and are really starting to cater to the metal musicians much more than in years past. They make some great guitars and amps for metal musicians. Glad you gave them a shot. I own a Peavey Vandenberg and a five string Foundation bass.


One of the joys of being a guitar salesman. I get to try damn near everything out.