Why snare why ?!

Dec 13, 2011
Hey everyone i'm trying to contain the rage within me against this horrible snare i'm trying to mix !

i've been lurking everywhere on the net to get some infos and experimenting a whole lot of stuff but i'm nowhere even close from getting a good sound.

I'm working on a midi track since i haven't got enough money to record real drums + it's just my band's demo.

I'm using a drum vsti ezdrummer with metalheads expansion. Already to begin with that snare is too freaking high ! I'm wondering if i can use a different vsti or expansion just for the snare but i haven't figured how to do so yet...

It clearly lacks of "thump", body, some whack in your face ya know ?

Also for those using EZX metalheads, is your snare trig track's volume really low ? With no editing, it's bearly noticeable, i don't know if it's normal.

Anyway the big question would be is the snare crap to begin with or is it just me ?

Please help me ultimate metal.com ! :notworthy
use those programs sly mentioned to blend snares together. Also processing the snare is gonna make a world of difference. Using compression, eq, reverb etc all in the correct manor.
1) Find sample you like
2) bounce down snare track
3) insert sample into project, on new track
4) Use tab to transient [or scroll] to find snare hit
5) paste new sample, 'stacking' it with midi-sample
Thanks for your quick replies :)

Noodles can i ask you to explain the last 2 steps please man ?

EDIT: okay i see what you mean, should i bounce all the snare tracks ? (top, bottom and trig ?) just one thing though, i'm using drumagog, although i've learned how to use it fairly well, i can't figure out how to change the blend parameter for each sample it stays on the same amount for everyone of them. Must i load multiple drumagog instances and eq each sample to be able to do so ?