why these endless discussions?

I was wondering what's the point of these endless discussions about which band file under which genre. It's pointless.
Why not just listen to music without prejudice and try to enjoy what you like about it. So what if Tool is not progressive or metal or whatever. And what if you're a metal head and you happen to like Coldplay. Big deal! Just be cool about it. This is not a highschool where you have to fit in to a certain group. It's a music board.
keeper of the flame said:
I was wondering what's the point of these endless discussions about which band file under which genre. It's pointless.
Why not just listen to music without prejudice and try to enjoy what you like about it. So what if Tool is not progressive or metal or whatever. And what if you're a metal head and you happen to like Coldplay. Big deal! Just be cool about it. This is not a highschool where you have to fit in to a certain group. It's a music board.

this is true

if metal has taught us anything
its peace and togetherness

now to find your local neighborhood rap lovin' negro and give him a hug

do it for the:
\m/ MeTaL \m/