"Why You Do This ?" music documentary feat. Lamb of god, Gojira, Goatwhore, Car Bomb.


Aug 26, 2007
Paris / Montpellier, FRANCE
"Why You Do This ?" music documentary feat. Lamb of god, Gojira, Goatwhore, Car Bomb, Charred Walls Of The Damned, The Chariot, Bella Morte, Last Chance To Reason :

"If you still have any doubts that being in a band is for losers, watch Why You Do This, the documentary by Car Bomb’s Michael Dafferner. It is a cold, hard bitch slap of reality. Including interviews with Richard Christy, Randy Blythe, Joe Duplantier, Ben Falgoust, and a bunch of other cool dudes, Why You Do This premiered last year at the Queens World Film Festival, and is now streaming online in full. Check it out:"

Seems overly grumpy from my perspective. Some people will never even get to play in a full band, let alone do anything they could call a tour. If the guy narrating saw things like that, just playing in unison with others would be great.

The emo shots of the guy sitting at his desk didn't make me like it more.
Being in a band is awesome. It just involves far more work and far less reward then most people are willing to do. I think things like this are important to highlight the hard facts for the folks too ignorant and arrogant to realize that most bands are on the verge of ruin all of the time. If you don't love it you won't do it for very long.
Seems overly grumpy from my perspective.
There's a mentality in small-time metal and hardcore bands that the more you put effort in and get absolutely nothing in return, the more credible your band is. There's this weird vibe going around that it's really cool to be in a band which is doing really bad. Like, because it's the most anti-mainstream thing going, to be in a band that no-one likes, and the grumpier and more jaded you come across the better. This movie is at times a lot like the ultimate realisation of this mentality. It's still pretty decent anyway, though.

Know what the most inspiring part of the documentary was, though? The dude who just screamed over an iPod playing a backing track! Going on tour by yourself and only having to look out for number one would be SO. FUCKING. SICK.
There's a mentality in small-time metal and hardcore bands that the more you put effort in and get absolutely nothing in return, the more credible your band is. There's this weird vibe going around that it's really cool to be in a band which is doing really bad. Like, because it's the most anti-mainstream thing going, to be in a band that no-one likes, and the grumpier and more jaded you come across the better. This movie is at times a lot like the ultimate realisation of this mentality. It's still pretty decent anyway, though.

Know what the most inspiring part of the documentary was, though? The dude who just screamed over an iPod playing a backing track! Going on tour by yourself and only having to look out for number one would be SO. FUCKING. SICK.

I can't even stress how much I agree with you, and this mentality makes me sick.

Why don't people just start making and enjoying music again ?

I mean how much of a surprise can it be that you have low crowd attendance when your making some burpy noisy shit.

LoG or Gojira aren't having a bad time, maybe becouse they write interesting, original, and often catchy music.

Too many of my friends have started some post-doom-blurp-core and cherish their anti-listenability like the greatest thing since sliced cheese
I really want to see a nice doc where they just follow members of a 'full time' touring band while they work their day jobs, rehearse, save up and plan for the tour, then compare the tour experience to what they had planned/imagined it would be like.
^^^ if you can watch this and STILL want to do it... As I do, then I think your heart is in the right place.
I've set myself up specifically so I can tour/ work comfortably.
I run my own company and work at my pace and share time between band and job, so I watch this and think, fucking bring it on! :p
^^^ if you can watch this and STILL want to do it... As I do, then I think your heart is in the right place.
I've set myself up specifically so I can tour/ work comfortably.
I run my own company and work at my pace and share time between band and job, so I watch this and think, fucking bring it on! :p

If i wasn't so wrapped up in the studio and had the time. I would love to be in a touring band again. I didn't mind being poor and living off of a dollar menu. All the tour's i did in my old band were amazing and the best time's of my life.
sorry to dig out this post but i really want to say something about this :

i'm still young and so eager to do more & more gigs ! this is the only thing i love doing and only passion i fit in. Touring would be amazing as i have never experienced it yet. I know it's not a simple life but hell nothing is now, if i have enough money to live and still can play in a band then i'll be happy :)

I'll surely show this video to my band :D
If i wasn't so wrapped up in the studio and had the time. I would love to be in a touring band again. I didn't mind being poor and living off of a dollar menu. All the tour's i did in my old band were amazing and the best time's of my life.

That's why i think it's cool to be able to produce my own band, and not have to worry about a lot of clients bogging me down.
Right now I keep it to 2 exclusive bands that I can devote time and energy (which = money) to. Keeps the bands tight and my own band doesn't suffer.

I am happy, as many of you are, to have chosen music as my field of choice for the rest of my life. To tour; I say bring it on!