Why you should never buy a dell

Dude... I'm sorry, but this is OLDASS news, and not Dell's fault.*

It has to do with their battery supplier for the lithium ion's they've been using, and they've issued a recall for those batteries. That's actually what I've been working on all week at the office - finding out who has a fucked battery and getting a new one ordered.

*While I personally hate Dell computers for the most part, they are an excellent value and have excellent service and support from a corporate side of things. I'd never consider one for home, though.
I read an article in my local paper bout something like this, article can be found online here.
Sony's (why do i blame them? read the link) going down big time, supplying dell with buggy batteries, infecting music fans with spyware, DRM obsessed, suings, electronic products (TVs) aren't nearly as competitors (Toshiba for ex), etc.

all i'm saying is this lazy anti-consumer attitude is going to kill them.
Heard about this, not the first time I've heard about batteries exploding (reports came out months back about tiny cell phones being combustion and explosion prone). As I've had nothing but shit from Dell (I love them to death, because when I fix computers for people the vast majority are from Dell and botched by Dell tech support, but when it comes to my own use I'd rather wear a steel wool thong) I'm not too concerned; I just need to put more cooling in my laptop to compensate for the overclocking and not leave the thing in 104* Texas heat.

I am glad to say, though, that I haven't had problems with any Sony stuff I've ever bought - and 99% of what I buy in that market is Sony - and as far as CD players and suchlike goes I'm sticking to Sony and Panasonic as they've both treated me extremely well.

I have at least 30 DELLs at work as old as '94 and none have ever failed.... ever. These run 24-7.

I have 3 at home in my studio and again no failures.

DELLs are excellent machines.
Yeah, this is NOT limited to Dell. Dell should be commended for taking the steps to resolve this issue before all the others. If anything, this is a reason to buy a Dell.

HP and Apple will make announcement soon I'm sure before they look like the bad guys.
MKS said:
Yeah, this is NOT limited to Dell. Dell should be commended for taking the steps to resolve this issue before all the others. If anything, this is a reason to buy a Dell.

They should have just used rocks instead. Never have these problems with fucking rocks. Why can't we all just go back to using rocks and sharpened sticks?


Kazrog said:
Yes. Undeniably, by a substantial margin:
That price is bogus. I'm bored and just spec'd that same computer out at $3,443. Still $400 more expensive, but not $1400 more expensive... Plus Dell offers rebates all the time and it comes with a 19" LCD Monitor.

Not to say I'd buy a Dell even if I was looking at a PC... I'd build my own PC which would definately be cheaper than buying a Mac Pro :D
SPLASTiK said:
That price is bogus. I'm bored and just spec'd that same computer out at $3,443. Still $400 more expensive, but not $1400 more expensive... Plus Dell offers rebates all the time and it comes with a 19" LCD Monitor.

Not to say I'd buy a Dell even if I was looking at a PC... I'd build my own PC which would definately be cheaper than buying a Mac Pro :D

You must have done something wrong (like forgotten to add the second processor, etc.) Remember that the Mac Pro is Dual Dual Core! Dell's price is still the same as it was at the time of the MacWorld article. A lot of other publications found the same results, so don't just take it from MacWorld or me. I wonder if Dell's going to readjust the pricing to compete with Apple - will be interesting to see.

Every PC I've ever built, and every home built PC I've ever used has inexplicable conflicts and problems. Well, even the Dells and other name brand PCs have these kinds of problems all the time come to think of it.

That's one of the reasons I switched to the Mac platform: everything just works. While I'm more than savvy enough to resolve driver conflicts, etc., it's not something I feel that I should have to be faced with. It's a waste of my life! Combine that with the Mac's industry-leading security reputation, and it's the ultimate worry-free platform.
that sony thing is of recent years, i used to be a long time sony user, then they turned on me. i went to look at TVs and they aren't as good, same with monitors etc. even when they are better, they aren't worth the 300 dollars extra for a sony name on it. it just proves that they want to get as much money as they can from the sony name, while not putting out 'sony quality' products.

macs are great as single purpose machines, like just use it as a DAW etc. i've also found that nearly everytime i use a mac it crashes on me and i gotta restart. anytime windows 'crashes' on me i can recover without the need of a restart or loss of any data.

also macs have tons of problems, they just need to get more popular and you'll see tons of hackers going at it.

yes it is true that macs are more powerful in some respects, though that line is becomming ever so much smaller with intel supplying their chips.

also most of the issues you speak of with PCs are windows related. a mac is a piece of hardware with 'built in' software, which again is becomming a fading line as people load XP and dual boot. it is only a matter of time til OSX comes out on the PC. then you'll just be sticking to a name brand that charges you much more money than it is really worth. Kinda like what sony is doing now.

also keep in mind I use PC as a reference to the "IBM-compatible" or "windows" PCs. as a mac is also a PC. the first computers I ever used were macs.