

Feb 27, 2002
Macon, GA
Here is one for the old school metal fans, thanks to the Metal Madman for turning me on to this! My review from Detritus:

WILD SIDE - SPEED DEVIL (A-) Escape Music, 2010
12 tracks, RT: 46:28
[ http://www.wildsidetheband.com/ ]
[ http://www.myspace.com/wildsidetheband }
[ http://www.escape-music.com/ ]
What would happen if you took Motley Crue's SHOUT AT THE DEVIL, mixed
it with Ratt's OUT OF THE CELLAR and added in a healthy dose of John
Sykes riffs and George Lynch flash? Norway's Wild Side apparently
decided to find out on SPEED DEVIL, the band's excellent new album of
hot and heavy anthems guaranteed to have you reaching to crank up the
volume. SPEED DEVIL begins with a bizarre but fun intro and it's right
into opener "Live Forever," a high energy rocker that really sets the
mood for the rest of the disc. Wild Side kind of have a one-track mind
when it comes to lyrical themes, and it's...sex! What else? You'll
hear what I mean on steamy tracks like "Play With Me," "Wild One" and
"Need To Deliver." Great songs here, with hummable melodies that
almost require an immediate replay. Andy LaRocque handled the
production and did an amazing job on the mix, the songs positively
jumping out of the speakers with razor sharp guitars, kinetic bass,
pounding drums and piercing vocals all well to the fore. Not much to
complain about here, although Joachim Berntsen's vocals do bear a
little too much resemblance to Vince Neil and obligatory ballad "Love
For You" seems unnecessary. If you're a fan of early '80s hard rock
and metal (and you know you are!), I highly recommend checking out
SPEED DEVIL, it'll take you back...
- Neal Woodall (MysticX9@...)
Sounds good but there already was a Wildside based out of Los Angeles in the early 90's and they released an amazing album 'Under The Influence'. This band is going to get confused with that band easily.
Sounds good but there already was a Wildside based out of Los Angeles in the early 90's and they released an amazing album 'Under The Influence'. This band is going to get confused with that band easily.

Definitely, they should have chosen a different name...
Yeah I agree about the name....but hot damn does this album kick ass!!

Thanks for the mention bro! Glad you enjoyed!
"Under The Influence" was a great disc. 'Hang On Lucy' was an amazing track. Interested in checking this out for sure! Thanks!
Listening to myspace now and whilst the music rocks like a beast, there doesn't seem to much in the way of catchiness vocally speaking. The vocals themselves are not terrible or anything but the choruses seem boring to me and in one ear and out the other. I far prefer fellow Norwegians Wig Wam who put the hooks in as well as the music though the two bands are not that similar they are more or less aiming for the same market. Until Wild Side bring the hooks then they'll always be behind Wig Wam for me in any case.
Listening to myspace now and whilst the music rocks like a beast, there doesn't seem to much in the way of catchiness vocally speaking. The vocals themselves are not terrible or anything but the choruses seem boring to me and in one ear and out the other. I far prefer fellow Norwegians Wig Wam who put the hooks in as well as the music though the two bands are not that similar they are more or less aiming for the same market. Until Wild Side bring the hooks then they'll always be behind Wig Wam for me in any case.

Wig Wam don't do much for me but it may be because I haven't heard much of their stuff. YMMV of course but I just like these guys for the authentic '80s vibe. Here's the first promo vid:

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Yeah IMO Wild Side, and the original Wildside both blow Wig Wam out of the water. I never found what was so special with Wig Wam as they bore me to tears.

However Wild*Side just kicks my ass. I love the vocals as they remind me a little bit of Klause Meine meets Vince Neil.