Wildest Dreams Video...

Hehe, it does kind of remind me of the pod race. Yes, George Lucas will sue, he definitely needs more money. :p

I like the video, it's the song that just doesn't do it for me. It's finally starting to grow on me, but it just doesn't grab me like some of the older Maiden songs.....I dunno, something is missing. I hope the rest of the album is an improvement or I'll be disappointed. :(

Keyser Soze said:
I wonder if George Lucas will sue, since part of the video looks suspiciously like the pod race from Episode I

Somehow, I doubt it. If anything, the band could just say that it's a parody of the Pod Race, thereby making it fall under the Fair Use Doctrine of the US Copyright Law.

As to the song, it may be the weak link in the album. I still think the same thing of "Can I Play With Madness?" from the "7th Son of A 7th Son" album.
I'm not to impressed by either the video or the song! I'm quite disappointed by both - got the feeling they ran out of ideas and thought a bit of CG would do.