Wildest Dreams


Proud IMG Guitarist!
Apr 16, 2001
Maryland USA
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I've been meaning to post this for a few days or more now. Have you guys listened to this song yet? For those who don't know, it will be the first single released off the new Iron Maiden album (Dance of Death). They have a preview of it on their website.

I didn't check the song writing credits, but this one has Adrian stamped all over it in my opinion. I would be shocked if he had nothing to do with the song. It is a straight forward rock song with a pretty catchy (if not repetitive) chorus. It sounds pretty poppy/commercial for a Maiden song, but I for one really like it. They have started doing some pretty cool stuff with the 3 guitar thing and added a lot more 'texture' work using the three guitars.

Just wanted to know what you guys thought. I am starting to pick it apart and learning it now. I certainly would love to record this song if we can get things going here again.
Heard it. Have 3 versions of it in mp3 actually...

Not bad but there's something itchy about it, can't put my finger on what it is though...
One mp3 is the first one that appeared on the net, live bootleg with very bad quality. There's people (the ones who recorded it I suppose) talking over the music and pretty much only thing you can make out of the song is the chorus.

Other is bootleg from the webcast of Rock Am Ring. Much better quality compared to that previous file.

The last is low bitrate mp3 of the song from a promo cd. Sound quality is not that good, naturally, but IMO you get a lot better 'view' of the song from this than those other two. Could be the same as the one offered on the official site but in mp format. Can't say for sure as I haven't listened to that version.

Sure I can share. Just let me know what you want. E-mail is probably the easiest way to ... Hold on, I think I can upload the song on my webspace too, as they have said it can be freely distributed....

Itchy. :loco: For the lack of better expression. There's something bothering me about the song but I don't know what it is... I guess I'll have to wait until the album comes out to find out what it is or isn't...
Perhaps it is a bit too commercial/pop sounding for you? I think it may be the most mainstream rock sounding song I have ever heard Maiden do...with the simplest damn lyrics I've seen from them as well...almost like Running Free.
Itchy...the way you describe that is almost the way I felt when I first heard. It wasn't that I didn't like it, but still there was something about it...I'll have to wait until the cd comes out. I'll give it a chance.
btw Eddy, either is fine with me...email or webspace. Your choice on which is easier. If you email it, you won't be advertising it here. I think you know my email.
Send me the second bootleg (the better quality one)..this is live?

...and the promo version.

anybody up for covering this song?! :) I've learnt 95% of the guitar parts now..only one lick left to go..and its a doozy (Adrian's part during the final chorus). Putting it all into tab now.

If yer reading this Hyde....I sure could use some help figuring that last part out... ;)