Maybe I just met him on a bad night. He was a real asshole to my roommate and I, my roommate being the promoter of the show. The show broke even, didn't make money, didn't lose money, had about 250 people there, so the band was happy, but Romeo was a dick anyways. Their tour manager was a complete douchebag, and they convinced my roommate to go out and buy Romeo a carton of cigs, telling him that Romeo would give him the money when he got back. Nathan got back with the cigs, gave them to Romeo, and he said he was gonna go back on the bus to get the money. He never came back out. Nathan said that if they had been on the rider, that he would have bought them and not complained. He said if Romeo would have just asked him if he would buy them for him, he would have. But the fact that he said he would pay him for them when he got back and then just avoided him by hiding on the bus, that is what pissed him off. Everyone else in the band was cool as shit, I talked to Lepond for over an hour about Judas Priest and such.