Will any of you help me out please? Final Fantasy Fanfare mix

Dec 21, 2010
First let me point out that by no means am I aiming for an absolute professional level of production.

The only people who hear my music are friends and some different people from some online communities. I might eventually start uploading some things to YouTube as well, but that's about it.

So with that said, I would like my music to still sound alright.

I'm asking if you'll take a listen to a mix and help me out on where to go with it. A lot of people seem to be really professional around here so I've never really had the courage to ask for help but it's worth a shot.

I just can't seem to get that tight-mixed in sound and am kinda' lost.


Also, I know that the part where the main melody/ chorus plays over the breakdown don't really fit together super well. I hadn't figured out what I'd do with that part yet so don't mind it. I'm just asking about the mix.

Can anyone help?
There a few volume adjustments I want to make, especially to the guitars - but I'm not sure what else needs to be done.
I've been having issues with the rhythm and lead balance. When I bring the rhythm up, it seems to get a bit cluttered and the leads get lost. I tried EQ'ing them around each other but haven't had much luck. I'll try some more later and see what I can do. Same for with the drums.

Thanks a lot for the input.
The rhythm guitars could come up some and leads probably could come down a little more. If you find that the leads are getting a little lost in the mix when you lower their volume, you could always try EQing them a bit differently. Also, seem to remember getting this all-purpose advice on leads once, lots of gain and a little delay always helps.
What did you use for the rhythm guitars? If ampsims I'd suggest maybe using a more scoop impulse since the main focus of the fanfare is in the the leads anyways. You just need the rhythm's louder without the mids getting in the way.
Drum programming could be a lot better too, just try to think what a real drummer would like to play over it. They certainly wouldn't stay on on the hi-hat the whole song and even more so wouldn't grow an extra hand to hit the hats, snare and crashes at the same time. :)
Thanks. I'm going to see what I can do the next time I'm on the computer that has this project.

Thanks. Yeah, ampsims. It was uhh the TSE X50 I believe. And I used some of Ryan Harvey's impulses. Though I have better examples of the main sound from it than this. But anyways. So should I basically focus on having the rhythm guitars without too much mids, but still having their volume up a good bit so they're more audible?

As for the drum programming, I'm not too grand at writing drums for this style of music. Anything that can keep the beat going is pretty much alright with me, but I know what you mean with the hats and crashes all at once. I guess I was going for the best sound rather than the most realistic. Not that I'm implying nonstop hats or impossible things are the best sound.
I'll change up a bit of what you said as well as work on the velocity and see if they'll ultimately sound better.

If it's not too much to ask, do you (or anyone else) have any suggestions on specific drum parts? What should I replace the hi-hats with? As it sounds rather empty without them.
eʍʍy;10193063 said:
Thanks. Yeah, ampsims. It was uhh the TSE X50 I believe. And I used some of Ryan Harvey's impulses. Though I have better examples of the main sound from it than this. But anyways. So should I basically focus on having the rhythm guitars without too much mids, but still having their volume up a good bit so they're more audible?

Yes, it's just an idea. See if it works for you. I usually use GuitarHack's impulses when I'm going for something scooped but still good enough to compliment the whole mix.

eʍʍy;10193063 said:
If it's not too much to ask, do you (or anyone else) have any suggestions on specific drum parts? What should I replace the hi-hats with? As it sounds rather empty without them.

You've got ride cymbal/bell, crashes and china you could all stay on for certain parts. And for drums beats could try all kinds. Gallops, snare on the downbeats, double bass with the snare on the 3, just a couple of ideas off the top of my head. What you have now isn't too bad. I'd keep most of what you have for the guitar solo parts. Also drum fills are nice too, just experiment with them between sections when going for a change.
Yes, it's just an idea. See if it works for you. I usually use GuitarHack's impulses when I'm going for something scooped but still good enough to compliment the whole mix.

You've got ride cymbal/bell, crashes and china you could all stay on for certain parts. And for drums beats could try all kinds. Gallops, snare on the downbeats, double bass with the snare on the 3, just a couple of ideas off the top of my head. What you have now isn't too bad. I'd keep most of what you have for the guitar solo parts. Also drum fills are nice too, just experiment with them between sections when going for a change.
Okay. I will do. I have those impulses somewhere too so maybe I'll give those a try as well.

I suppose there is a number of options for drums. I'll see what I can come with for changing the other parts. Yeah, I really didn't do much with drum fills. The closest thing to a fill in the track is a bunch of snares in a row, lol.
I've never really been good at writing fills, but again - I'll see what I can come up with.

Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it. :]