Will code for food....


Apr 13, 2001
Visit site
I don't know if anyone noticed yesterday, but a certain Australian company collapsed yesterday, taking 16,000+ jobs with it, including that of a frequent visitor to this BB.

Pity me now! :waah:
That really sucks Phloggy, have they said whether you will get all your entitlements or anything yet?
I just heard on TV that the administrator said that ansett employess should be on standby to go back to work on tuesday, thats good right? :confused:
We shall see... I'm not holding my breath.

Even if we do get back in the air it will be in an _extremely_ reduced capacity.

Anyone have rumours about who he "mystery buyer" may be? I've heard Lindsay Fox may be having a sniff.
No idea about the buyer......whoever it is, if they are smart, will get the airline cheaply, keep everyone in a job and make a load of money from not running it into the ground like the previous morons.
Our Phloggy is a man of many talents who will doubtless be employed and secure again before long :). Those entitlements should be enough to tide you over until you can launch another world domination plot, right?

Originally posted by Wrathchild
Our Phloggy is a man of many talents who will doubtless be employed and secure again before long :). Those entitlements should be enough to tide you over until you can launch another world domination plot, right?

You know, I just thought of a good quote:
"What are you doing tonight phloggy?"
"Same thing I try to do every night...TAKE OVER THE WORLD!"
Pinky and the brain brain brain :)