Will It Get done soon? I hope so!


The Edge
Sep 15, 2006
Tremont, IL
Anyone else ever hard any frustration when trying to get an album recorded?
As all of you know I work for Eternity X and am set to do backing vocals on the new album.
But dang it it's taking soo long to get things together for this album. There's been sooo many unexpected delays ( Death of loved ones, work issues, health, ect.) It's been totally out of anyones hands and should be taken care of soon. But it's still frustrating, because I'm sure everyone will enjoy it and I want to show off what the new guys can do. Heck I want to show those that heard the old crappy recording of some of the songs from this album how much better they have became now and how different.

Also, for all of you who are wondering when/if this will happen, though I have no set time, It will happen I can assure you and will be worth the wait. The delays have helped take more time to perfect the songs. But still.

Any ways,
Would love to hear from others who know the feeling on recording delays.

I know exactly what you mean. The band that I'm in has been on what seems like a permanent hiatus. This has been going on for over 3 years. Everything has hit us. Divorce, 2 deaths in the family, almost another divorce, someone's brother having serious legal problems, moving, bass player injuring hand... it goes on and on.

In our position, it could be a good thing. Once everyone is able to get together to start coming up with new material it should be angry as all get out. It's a good place to vent. That's usually a good thing for metal.

Hang in there. :kickass:
Dude, my lead guitarist is UNACCESSIBLE. It's gonna be another two weeks before he'll even have regular personal practice time, let alone any recording time! JOBS SUCK ASS! But hey... they pay for guitars. But this gives me time so I can rerecord one song's vocals, record the last 2 songs' vocals, and one bass track. Then my brother can rerecord a scratchy guitar track that REALLY pissed us off when we discovered it was scratchy. Maybe we'll be able to start micing and testing Kevin's guitar rig near Halloween.

To think we wanted this done before our Epica show... DIDN'T HAPPEN!!!
Halcyon Way I think is going to set some kind of record on delays with A Manifesto For Domination. Not only did it take forever for me to get it tracked but it also has been in mixdown for nearly a year due to backlog, re-recording crap, etc - with no end in sight. Anyone who wants to hear the whole story, just get yourself a drink - and me a Diet Coke - and I'll tell ya.

Having said this, we will have the ENTIRE next record written by the time the debut sees the light of day. We already have 7-8 songs written. Half our live set is from the NEXT record because we're so sick of the old crap.
Halcyon Way I think is going to set some kind of record on delays with A Manifesto For Domination. Not only did it take forever for me to get it tracked but it also has been in mixdown for nearly a year due to backlog, re-recording crap, etc - with no end in sight. Anyone who wants to hear the whole story, just get yourself a drink - and me a Diet Coke - and I'll tell ya.

Having said this, we will have the ENTIRE next record written by the time the debut sees the light of day. We already have 7-8 songs written. Half our live set is from the NEXT record because we're so sick of the old crap.

Yeah, it's not your forthcoming CD.....it's your fifthcoming CD. :lol: