I'm gonna show you hard proof as to why no life can neither be found on Mars or ever be reintroduced to Mars. This is something NASA and other scientists should have known immediately.
First off, the ice in the polar regions is dry ice and that does not melt. Well, dry ice can melt if the pressure is above 5.11 atmospheres. But NASA's plan was to warm up the planet with solar mirrors assuming the ice would melt that way and there would be lush rivers of flowing water and then microbes would spontaneously arise in the water and mosses would form on the land and the next thing you know there are trees. What NASA has suggested is that spontaneous generation is true.
https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/spontaneous generation
So NASA wanted to attempt what DR.Louis Pasteur already proved cannot ever happen no matter how much time you give it. But this is by far not the biggest error NASA scientists made. There have been many claims made such as worms found on Mars and rushing water visibly seen on the planet's surface. Atheists have taunted Christians with all these rumors and now the truth is out and NASA has abandoned the idea of terraforming which is bizarre since they claimed Mars would be ready for habitation in our lifetime. They claim our current technology is not advanced enough to make it happen which implies that better technology would make it work. So even in defeat they can't be honest and admit to the public that it was basic science that NASA very clearly didn't know and how there is no way they can make life evolve on the planet.
So what is the problem? Well what NASA does know is that there is no magnetic field on Mars. They also know there is not one active volcano on Mars. But did that stop them from talking about terraforming Mars for decades. But it should have. Basic science 101 teaches us that the core of our earth is the beating heart of our planet. This beating heart provides needed nutrients to the soil which makes plant life possible and worms in our soil possible. The volcanos on earth act akin to arteries and veins in the earth. Our mother earth gets her period every now and then which erupts all over and we get earth period all over the place.

Without the core of the earth we would all perish and die. The planet would not be able to sustain life and earth would be without a magnetic field. Though since our earth is alive, we are also alive. We live on a living planet.
Mars has no magnetic field and not one active volcano. This means the core of Mars is dead--inactive.

Nothing can grow on Mars, not even if scientists were to provide nutrients to the soil on Mars and plant earth plants there. They would just end up dying. NASA can make an artificial magnetic field, place a protective dome around Mars and nothing is gonna change. There is no resurrecting dead red and you would think that these NASA scientists would have known this right from the start. But their fascination with the fantasy of evolution theory has blinded them into wasting tax payers money on an idea that was doomed from the start. The core of Mars is dead which means the planet is dead.
But NASA scientists must not have a basic understanding of planetary science. Its like a NASA scientist is walking in the woods one day and sees a dead deer carcass. So he thinks he can revive it and decides to leave some food out for the dead deer so it can eat and awake from death. The next morning the NASA scientist sees that the deer is still dead and this time leaves fresh food and water out for the deer thinking it will eat and drink and come back to life. But the deer stays dead and there is no change in the deer's condition. But the NASA scientist is still not convinced and believes if given time, the dead deer will eventually eat and drink and come back to life. But the deer stays dead because it is dead.
This NASA scientist sees Mars is dead and thinks he can leave food out for it and the planet will eat and revive itself.
Evolution theory is useless as science.