Will of the Ancients - Self-Titled


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Will of the Ancients – Self-Titled
Northern Storm Records – February 25th, 2006
By Jason Jordan


Canada is one of the more notable regions as far as black metal is concerned, having birthed Woods of Ypres, Vanquished, Dark Forest, Wolven Ancestry, and, to get to the matter at hand, Will of the Ancients. Coming off their 2004 demo Cold Grim Times, the symphonic sextet offer up a 50-minute, speed-oriented record with Self-Titled, which should cement their position as a band to watch.

Will of the Ancients are entirely capable of holding their own in regards to musical abilities, and S-T proves none too shabby in any department except that of production. Though it fits the style and doesn’t necessarily detract from the listening experience enough to warrant griping, I would’ve preferred a meatier sound overall. The artwork and CD graphics could be nicer, too. At any rate, it seems petty to complain when songs like ‘Battle for the Sky’ and pirate-tribute ‘Lords of the Sea’ are full of BM know-how, plus a surprising amount of melody. I hear early-day Kekal throughout much of WotA’s material – especially in ‘Behind Her Eyes’ – which is most likely due to the guitar tones and the drummer’s technique. The high-pitched screams are a fine complement to the instrumentation, and are a refreshing alternative to the usual black metal growls, as are the occasional clean vocal interjections reminiscent of Emperor’s Ihsahn (‘The Artifact,’ etc.). Keepers also include ‘Steel Resounds’ and the Scandinavian-esque ‘Curse of Thrones.’

While Self-Titled is evidence of songwriting confidence – propped up by excellent musicianship – Will of the Ancients certainly haven’t peaked yet. Similar to many of their countrymen, they’re a group that is destined for greater things in the future. Nice start, though, and one that’s enjoyable in the here and now.

Official Will of the Ancients Forum
Official Will of the Ancients Website
Official Northern Storm Records Website