Will somebody please smack the shit out of Teresa Heinz Kerry?

Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
Really. This bitch is so desprate for attention she's saying there was voter fraud during the elections. YOU LOST! GET OVER IT YOU FUCKING CUNT! Are you THAT pissed that Bush whopped your husbands ass? She has absolutly no class. At least her husband took his loss gracfully and conceided. She's still fucking mensturating about it! When it comes to class, Laura Bush destroys her! This bitch needs a good ass kicking!
I'll do it!!!

Set up a meeting Cryptman w/ me and her....Also set up a bail fund.:yow:

Oblivious Maximus said:
Really. This bitch is so desprate for attention she's saying there was voter fraud during the elections. YOU LOST! GET OVER IT YOU FUCKING CUNT! Are you THAT pissed that Bush whopped your husbands ass? This bitch needs a good ass kicking!
hehehe. I guess Kerry must be proud. He on the other hand took it like a man, but what do you expect from bitches.
On a quite different note, I read in newspaper today that our president had a friendly meeting with Bush and he´d advised him to set up a premature election to solve this fucking political crisis in our country. I´ve been saying this for quite a long time, because now it´s time for conservatives to take over Czech Rep. The coalition of social democrats and liberals (communists and pussies) has been ruining our country for way too long, fuck em.
Can I come to? I`ll bring the video camera....we have to bring that guy Momo has in his avitar to....Hey we can make it a snuff film!!! God that would be so cool...:Smokedev:
You have open invite O/S!!

I'll give the bitch a real "liberal" beating!!!

old school headbanger said:
Can I come to? I`ll bring the video camera....we have to bring that guy Momo has in his avitar to....Hey we can make it a snuff film!!! God that would be so cool...:Smokedev:
voter fraud...what a sick person to throw out a false claim like that...

I mean that's a serious offense...but to a liberal it doesn't matter at all...she's probably the same kind of woman who would falsely accuse a guy of rape, and it wouldn't even weigh on her conscience.

I am constantly amazed at the depths liberal will sink to attack their enemies.
Just to be fair, there's voter fraud on both sides.
ivankoloff said:
its just teerrrezzza heinz now, she dropped the keryy from her name, how funny is that.

Really? I never heard that. If she did then she gets my nomination for megabitch of the year award... Man that is just low.

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