William Hung And Opeth

That fucking Infernal Combustion site has a lot of funny shit on it, if you look in the archives. Hilarious. The one about Manowar claiming they caused the 2003 blackout by playing a Bitchin' power chord is fucking classic :)
jaykeegan said:
I just thing this whole William Hung thing is ridiculous. Americans will do anything to make money.

No offense to any Americans on here, you're all cool.

I think it's ridiculous as well and I live in the states. Mainstream media just sucks, and I mean it lol.

but it would be even stupider if Opeth ever did actually collaborate with hung lol.
I double posted by accident so let me tell you the dream I had last night to make up for it; don't mind the lack of puncuation and grammar, it's just bad writing, I just wrote it down so I would remember it.

In Eltingville (the town I live in), my car gets robbed, 2 guys come up to tom (my best friend) while his door is ope nwith a knife and say get out
i get out, fumble the keys because i'm nervous, then put them on top of the car. they take the car, and ride around, meanwhile i am trying to call the cops, there is nobody in the
parking lot in front of SUbway really, and I go into the liquor store to make a call, he kicks me out.
I walk away watching my car fly around in an unreal fashion. I turn around and all the stores are closed adn it's very dark. I hope over the complex, jump with supernatural powers over fences and what-not.
But some kid is right behind me, he has a gun. He's not the leader, but just one of the bad guys.
I fall and hav eto get up and by that time he has the gun pointed at me, I kick it out of his hands or something, then he falls down
I scream, WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN? And he says "We aren't, they are!." I shot him in the face at this point.
They weren't bulllets, they were like darts and when they hit you, you feel a sharp pain all over your body, i guess depending on where you get hit.
I got hit in the shoulder/back area and felt the pain in my right hip. It's pretty bad.
THey kill you. But if you don't let it kill you and keep running then it just goes away all together. After I shot him the leader falls right behind me. At this point
I'm on some random block in the suburbs with houses running from the leader, it's a 15 year old kid, seems to be.
At first I think I'm going to get away as I hear his voice over in my head, "I couldn't catch him,
all I could do was watch him run into the forest and go inside and sit down" or eat a sandwhich or something.
But after he said that I couldn't run as fast as I wanted to and eventually he was in shooting range.
He maybe fired about 4-5 shots and hit me with one, the rest barely missing. this slowed me down a lot. I got to the main trail
and started booking it, but as I ran it got harder and harder to run. Fatigue, the poision in me, and
the forest floor was turning into sand! It was so difficult to run and he was about 60 feet behind me firing away.
At this point i was like "WOW didn't he run out of bullets?" but he probably had extra clips on him.
When i first entered the forest it was light and breathable. Now it is congested, with more animals, darker, with the floor as sand.
THere are vines that I am grabbing onto as I run on the floor for an extra boost.
This allows me to fly sometimes. Well. I see a bright light coming through the end, and the air is
Filled with, what seems to be a dusty sand material making it bleak and gloomy.
At the end it is appears it's an abandoned factory, with some small holes in the walls letting the air and sunshine blast through.
At the end of the trail there is an anciently old door. I am so afraid at the moment knowing the enemy with a gun, who seems to hate me
is in sight behind me. He is not running, he knows I have no where to go. He is walking slowly.
I see a little hole with BRIGHT! sunshine coming through. I mightbe able to fit through it, but I try and I can't.
Now I don't have much time left, maybe 10 seconds with the most generousity. I go into a sem-panic
and start ripping the first corroded sheet of metal off the door, then I look at the fresh sheet that
was becuase shielding by the aging winds, sands, heat and lack of fresh air. IT looks sturdy and indimidating.
I won't be able to stratch this off, I think to myself. I go for something more violent and start
punching rights continuously and a big even hole is there, about 1.5 square feet for me to fit.
The whole is not a perfect square it has jaggedly sharp metal sticking out. I just shove my upper
body through and my lower follows when gravity pulls my torso down on the other side.

I'm in a desert. The big, grey building, and windows with sand blast caked on so you can't see through are there.
I walk away from the building in disbelief of how I just escaped death. With a pounding heart I don't see the forest
or any of the path I took to get here, I only see the building?! wtf? I am 30 feet away from the building
sitting down, above it, since the building is surrounded by hills, so you can't really see it
from a mile away. My enemy falls through and gets up. We just stare at each other, there's no
violence or hatred here at this point. The 15 year old male leader turned into a beautiful
blonde haired girl. She sits down next to me, she looks amazing. There is a laptop between us
or some form of electronics, maybe she brought it. She starts touching the side of my head
and then we kiss. DREAM OVER becaues my cell phone rang. What would have happened next? DAMN PHONE!

One might say the best part of the dream was missed.
I kind of just read it without laughing. One thing made me smile, but that's it. I agree, he's on his 14:59th second.

I love Martin Lopez. (not in a gay way) :headbang:
William Hung should be shot, hanged, and burned to an oblivion.

It's fucking retarded that a horribly talentless person gets so famous and rich for being a horrible HORRIBLE singer. And yet brilliant people/bands barely get noticed.

Yes, it was funny hearing how bad he was the first fuckin time on american idol, but not million times after. His fame shouldn't of been prolonged as such. If anything, he should have received a swift kick in the ass out of the studio.
Joemc17 said:
William Hung should be shot, hanged, and burned to an oblivion.

It's fucking retarded that a horribly talentless person gets so famous and rich for being a horrible HORRIBLE singer. And yet brilliant people/bands barely get noticed.

Yes, it was funny hearing how bad he was the first fuckin time on american idol, but not million times after. His fame shouldn't of been prolonged as such. If anything, he should have received a swift kick in the ass out of the studio.
He's an engineering student. Thus he's smarter than the average folk. Ease up a bit.
I hope the next william hung media adventure involves him walking through a mine field singing "she bangs" without a metal detector.

Somebody shoot this guy.

The Opeth article was hilarious though!