
starting this thread is asking for trouble but my mom always calls me the devil's advocate, so....

aside from the obvious physical attributes, what attracts you to a female?

I was pondering this weighty question today as I watched one of our female supervisors, her name is Jill. She's cute and all, but she's more than that...she has alot of self confidence and is not one of these women who tries to cloak her sexuality behind office codes of conduct. It's not very often I wish I wasn't married, but like they say, you can look at the menu without ordering the entree :tickled:

Discus amongst yourselves.:)
lizard said:
aside from the obvious physical attributes, what attracts you to a female?

Nothing, it's all about the body and the face, man.

This was meant to be a joke, but when thinking of it, a lot of girls I've met are PRETTY DAMN DUMB and also extremely hard to "understand", in that you need to be a master of deciphering to understand what they really mean when they say certain things. So.

It's all about the body and the face, man.
it's kind of a stereotype but I think it's safe to say you will never completely understand women. they have a different operating system :)

but I mean, I've met women who were just gorgeous, but there was just nothing there to attract you to them other than mindless sex. not that mindless sex is a bad thing. but it's even better when you have hot monkey love with someone you are really, really jazzed by.
well, since I just met someone nice and exciting ...

she is a total pro and ass kicking manager during the day and complete "girl" and rocker after work. I do like confident women who have their shit together also.
Don't like pushovers and whiney ones.
It's hard to quantify that quality, beyond the physical, that draws you to one woman over another. Intelligence has always been a big one for me. I could never date a stupid woman. Sense of humor is another important quality. I really like to laugh, and really enjoy making others laugh. I could never be with someone who didn't get my sense of humor. A love of life would be yet another. I wouldn't want to be with someone who didn't enjoy spending time with friends, conversation, great food, great wine, travel, etc. But there is another quality, that's very elusive, that I think is what you're referring to. And I'm not sure exactly what that is.

If it wasn't for the physical attributes, I wouldn't bother. Well, that's the summary of it anyhow, I mean I have platonic female friends but it's not like I seek out such relationships to get fulfillment where my male friends are lacking, it just sorta happens.

But if I'm going to be in a regular relationship with a woman, if she isn't smart, open minded, and funny, chances are it won't last long at all.
Oh yeah and I need a girl willing to beat my ass and make me shut the fuck up. The last long relationship I was in, the chick couldn't handle me when I got overbearing. I didn't understand either, because she stood up to everyone I ever saw her deal with, but with me she could be really timid.

Then the one before that was a reborner, and the one before that talked to much. So if you can shut up but still yell and aren't a religious wacko, you can be my laaaayyyyyydeeeeeeeeee. :Spin:
One Inch Man said:
Oh yeah and I need a girl willing to beat my ass with a spatula and make me shut the fuck up with a ball gag. The last long relationship I was in, the chick couldn't handle me when I got full of rage and overbearing. I didn't understand either, because she stood up to everyone I ever saw her deal with, but with me she could be really timid, except when she put on those long black boots.

Then the one before that was a reborner, and the one before that talked to much to God. So if you can shut up but still yell and aren't a religious wacko, you can be my laaaayyyyyydeeeeeeeeee. :Spin:

@lizard: That was the greatest thing ever! :lol:

For me, it's all about the girl's values. I don't care too much if she doesn't have a fancy education or isn't an extreme hotty, as long as she's an honest girl with good morals and is able to appreciate the simpler things in life. No primadonnas or slutty girls to be found in my home!

Of course, there is a limit to what I can tolerate in the brains and looks departments as well! No extremely overweight girls with over-bite or girls that still haven't figured out how a parliament works and stuff like that.