a bunch of comparisons for running OSX on hardware it wasn't designed for?


seriously though, macs work for some people and PCs work for others, and everyone has their own specific reasons, can't we just fuckin leave it at that
I'm also impressed by ProTools.. Testing Logic (on OS X) would have been interesting just for comparing purposes (not win <-> os x, but DAWs).
I hope the Windows users feel good now. Until the next bluescreen at least :lol:
I thought this was also because cubendo is horrifically ported for the Mac and was a lot more ineffecient than its peecee counterpart?
also... very impressed at P.T's benchmark!
hell if we can keep this topic constructive... aint no reason why it shouldn't continue.
No mud slinging from either side please!
i wish he'd label his graphs properly, i don't like having to squint to see the slightly different colour changes he uses for each platform.

it's interesting to see OS X perform so poorly, however, the test was hardly exhaustive, not exactly conclusive, and doesn't match up with my experience (i use OS X and win7, and i don't really notice a difference in how many plugins i can use, on all buffer settings..)
