Windows 7 General EQ


You name it
Aug 12, 2008
Northern Germany
I have now been researching on this for days, its about time for the sneapsters to come to my rescue.
When entering "Windows 7 EQ" in google you're obviously left with pages and pages of dudes asking how to get a main EQ going and the answear for all of them is "install your soundcard drivers properly".
My problem is that I want a subtle EQ for listening to music over grooveshark or watching something on YT, and I don't have a decent soundcard in my PC because I use an Audio Interface (Session I/O by Native Instruments on this machine), that is directly connected to the monitor speakers.
I recently moved my gear a bit so I'm pretty near to wall corner now and it really shows in a very wierd bass accent that is extremely present and impossible to enjoy music with.
This is obviously no problem when using a DAW because I already created a master preset that compensates for that frequncy problem and it works fine.
My room is treated and has Auralex absorbers on the walls, but it doesn't help in that particular corner. The sound is great, there is just that one frequency that bugs the heck out of me when im unable to EQ (mostly on flash apps).
There is obviously quite a few "expensive" solutions like bass-trapping my corner or throwing a physical EQ between the monitors and the interface, but I'd rather not do that.
The question is now ... is there any way I can generally EQ the output of my Windows 7 PC (embedding a VST would be golden btw.) ?
The only solution that I could find is to make my DAW record "what you're hearing", EQ that und have it running through the interface output, but thats really awkward ...

Thanks in advance, Max
Umm not sure about your computer, but on mine, if you click the little Volume icon in the bottom right corner, then once that opens, click the speaker icon, it brings up "Speaker Properties", which mine has an "Enhancements" tab where there is a graphic EQ you can manually change.
Yeah, thats exactly what I was talking about when I mentioned the audio driver.
What you see there is the advanced properties of the soundcard, shown by the driver. The problem for me is that I don't use one.