Hello Everyone,
I've tried searching the forums for threads where anyone else asked this same question and I couldn't find anything.
I am wondering how to achieve similar guitar tone to the Winds of Plague song Against the World off of their album Against the World. I love how chunky and thick the guitars sound.
I have been recording and mixing audio for a few months now. To get an idea of the guitar tone I'm used to obtaining with my 7 string Washburn guitar, go to www.soundclick.com/ZacharyCruz and check out my latest song "Amon Amarth Style". *Warning* the song has a 15 second intro with noise. It is SUPPOSED to sound like it's run through shitty speakers *Warning*
Anywho, I already know that these guys are running ESP Vintage w/ single coils and true Fender Strat guitars. One guitarist runs no effects but just runs through a fender amp and cab. The other guitarist had an amp I haven't heard of run through dual mesa cabs with a few effects in his loop.
I record all of my guitars DI and use a combination of Poulin Legion and LeCab with impulses found on here for the most part.
Thanks for anyone who can help!
I've tried searching the forums for threads where anyone else asked this same question and I couldn't find anything.
I am wondering how to achieve similar guitar tone to the Winds of Plague song Against the World off of their album Against the World. I love how chunky and thick the guitars sound.
I have been recording and mixing audio for a few months now. To get an idea of the guitar tone I'm used to obtaining with my 7 string Washburn guitar, go to www.soundclick.com/ZacharyCruz and check out my latest song "Amon Amarth Style". *Warning* the song has a 15 second intro with noise. It is SUPPOSED to sound like it's run through shitty speakers *Warning*
Anywho, I already know that these guys are running ESP Vintage w/ single coils and true Fender Strat guitars. One guitarist runs no effects but just runs through a fender amp and cab. The other guitarist had an amp I haven't heard of run through dual mesa cabs with a few effects in his loop.
I record all of my guitars DI and use a combination of Poulin Legion and LeCab with impulses found on here for the most part.
Thanks for anyone who can help!