Winds Of Plague sound..


Nov 17, 2008
hi! in this days i'm listening the last album of a band called winds of plague, produced at antfarm's on 2010.
i'm really BLASTED by this production.. is the MORE VIOLENT and VIRULENT production i've ever heard.. :zombie:
have you listened this work?

i'm trying to understand how vocals have been mixed principally (the sounds TOO violet).. and a couple of really amazing (IMHO) ideas.. :grin:

some of you can help me with this?
can i share from youtube (unofficial) example of the passage i'm interested in?

really thanks a lot to everyone :wave:
I'm prett sure he said something about him (and his band, wop) are in Europe right now so he is pretty busy but I'm sure if he has some free time he could help you out
I'm prett sure he said something about him (and his band, wop) are in Europe right now so he is pretty busy but I'm sure if he has some free time he could help you out
really really interesting! =D
meanwhile we can analyse something by ourselves? =)

would someone help me? :Smokin:
Was meant to be playing with them on Thursday.

Fucking bands splitting up man. Fucks saaaaaaaake.