Winds of Plague recorded Guitar Tone


Musician & n00b engineer
Feb 12, 2011
Hello Everyone,

I've tried searching the forums for threads where anyone else asked this same question and I couldn't find anything.

I am wondering how to achieve similar guitar tone to the Winds of Plague song Against the World off of their album Against the World. I love how chunky and thick the guitars sound.

I have been recording and mixing audio for a few months now. To get an idea of the guitar tone I'm used to obtaining with my 7 string Washburn guitar, go to and check out my latest song "Amon Amarth Style". *Warning* the song has a 15 second intro with noise. It is SUPPOSED to sound like it's run through shitty speakers *Warning*

Anywho, I already know that these guys are running ESP Vintage w/ single coils and true Fender Strat guitars. One guitarist runs no effects but just runs through a fender amp and cab. The other guitarist had an amp I haven't heard of run through dual mesa cabs with a few effects in his loop.

I record all of my guitars DI and use a combination of Poulin Legion and LeCab with impulses found on here for the most part.

Thanks for anyone who can help! :)
*Warning* the song has a 15 second intro with noise. It is SUPPOSED to sound like it's run through shitty speakers *Warning*

I didn't read that haha. I was like :yow: when it started to change. Quite creative dynamic shift there, I approve.
I've not heard the band but I'll comment on the song anyway, the Amon Amarth song is a bit sloppy played though and the tone is slightly undergained. I'd like to hear more midrange growl too, try adding some mids to the guitar or try distorting the bass for that kind of midrange growl.
I didn't read that haha. I was like :yow: when it started to change. Quite creative dynamic shift there, I approve.
I've not heard the band but I'll comment on the song anyway, the Amon Amarth song is a bit sloppy played though and the tone is slightly undergained. I'd like to hear more midrange growl too, try adding some mids to the guitar or try distorting the bass for that kind of midrange growl.

Thanks for the comment! Yes, I know it's a bit sloppy. I've been playing the drums far longer than I have been playing the guitar. I've been playing guitar for only about 3 years now. I can certainly add more mid range to the guitars, I may have taken too much out. I do have the bass guitar distorted. I record bass the "Feared" way, taking two tracks (one clean with mids removed, one distorted with only mids) but like I said... I only started seriously producing my music a couple months ago.
The tone is actually pretty good.
But are the drums EzDrummer DKFH/Metalheads?

Yup! The drums are DKFH. I slightly modified the stock setup, but not much. I don't know all the ins and outs of it. I've used it lately because it's far easier to tab out a song, drop the midi into DKFH and call it a day instead of spending hours recording my drum kit in the next room lol.

I'm glad you like the guitar tone though.

But more importantly, does anyone know how to obtain the low, thick, chunky tone from that song by Winds of Plague? I'd really like to know how to do that! :grin:
Alright here goes...

On Against the World (Song) we used a Spalted Maple Telecaster with EMG 81/85 combo into the following heads. I don't think we used any single coils on the record, but who knows, we had like 10 guitars in the rotation.

Diezel Herbert - Left
Bogner Uberschall - Center
Marshall Valve State w/VHT Pitbull - Right

Cabs were Mesas and Bogners if I remember correctly. SM57 and 421 separate speakers.

We sent the DI line to some sort of power amp into a Rivera (I believe) subwoofer cabinet that had a DIY NS10 Sub-kick mic on it. I couldn't tell you how much of this was pulled into the mix but I know it is a method that Matt Hyde swears by.

Leads were a Carvin Fatboy played through Mesa Boogie MKIV Version A with a Mesa cab.

We play in E standard, so that is going to effect the tone clarity.

Good luck!

Alright here goes...


Holy crap, thanks for the reply! I knew you were on here Andrew but I didn't expect you to reply. I love the new album! Tell everyone in the band that a fan in CT gives you guys props.

I'm going to see what I can do to recreate some sort of tone similar to what was pulled off on that song. Sounds nasty! Keep the good work comin!
No problem, I am always happy to help out. I am glad that you are enjoying the album, we're super excited about it.