Winds - Reflections of the I


Oct 20, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
This album sounds really good, I have to say that even though I've heard only some five songs from it. I've heard that this is also an all-star line-up, but the only guy know by name is Jan Axel von Blomberg (aka Hellhammer). Can anyone tell me some (somewhat known) bands where the other musicians have played? I see they are very talented and most of them play many different styles. Thanks! ;)
Here goes!!

Lars Eric Si:

- Started out in the norwegian hard rock band Jack In The Box which I've heard was played on MTV in the early 90's. Not a metal band, but more hard rock.
- From there went on to sing in Sensa Anima for a while, the norwegian industrial metal band with x-members from Old Man's Child and Tulus.
- Also he's been briefly a member of Khold as a bassist, but is not a member here anymore either.
- According to recent interviews Winds is now his main band, but he is rumored to have other side project in the planning with members from Carpathian Forest and Behemoth.

Andy Winter:

- Not much is known about him, but I think he has more of a classical background than metal.
- He hasn't been in any metal bands before to my knowledge, and no other bands that I've ever heard of either.

Carl August Tidemann:

- Went to the guitar school GIT in Hollywood where he was taught my some really great guitar legends.
- He played on the first Arcturus album after replacing Samoth!! (yes, I was shocked too), who couldn't do it because he was in jail.
- Before Mayhem even started, Hellhammer and Carl played together in Carl's band Tritonus, which have been around for a long time but never released anything.

Hope this helps!! Also FYI I found most of this info on by reading through all the interviews.
Originally posted by Kushantaiidan
Out of curiosity, What is everything that Hellhammer has done?

I know of Winds, Mayhem, Thorns and Arcturus.. Anything else?

Immortal, Fleuerety, Covenant, Troll, Immortal and Fleuerety are some..
Well I guess you can just distrust it now then, because Hellhammer doesn't play and has never played in Eibon.

Eibon was the project started between Killjoy and Maniac from Mayhem, and Fenriz from Darkthrone plays drums while Satyr from Satyricon plays bass, and Phil Anselmo guitars.

Maniac is also not in the band anymore.