Wings of Forever AVAILABLE NOW

hahaha yeah i have a little amount of money in bank but my mother dont want me to have a credit card :( ..... but i dont remember the relase date for Canada but im not expecting before january or february if someone can tell me when it will be possible to by it in store in canda i would apreciate

Yeah, Online ordering is damn inconvenient without a credit card. Sorry guys....I'm looking into ways of getting round this problem for you.

Had an email from our Italian guitarist Andrea yesterday. He'd met Kai Hansen and given him a copy of "Wings of Forever". The Gamma Ray dudes were going to give it a spin on their tour bus!
Hey steve !

Maybe u can ask it on the gamma ray message board what they think about it :)

Maybe u can be a support band when the new studio album comes out :)

Album isn't in stores yet here in Belgium :-(
For some bizarre reason I've not been able to get the Gamma Ray message board to work. However I'm going across to Germany next week to see them on the final night of the Skeleton's tour!

Anyone else from here going along?
Originally posted by Symphony
Had an email from our Italian guitarist Andrea yesterday. He'd met Kai Hansen and given him a copy of "Wings of Forever". The Gamma Ray dudes were going to give it a spin on their tour bus!

Hey, damn cool! :D How's that for getting friends in high places? :cool: Never actually listened to Gamma ray, but shhhhh....

I tried going on a mish to find the album today while I was in Bristol, but couldn't get the £ together. I'm on a mission tomorrow though so I'll see if I can find the album in the shoppe.

Speaking of emails, I finally got a reply from Jon Hutter of ye olde British thrash metal band Treason. Though I've only just started shifting through the mounds of mail that's built up over one's short holiday so for all I know he could be saying "Fuck off you nosy cunt" :)
WOW! That would be the shit. Power Quest being the supporting opening act for Gamma Ray. :headbang: Talk about a sore neck that night. :D

That's way cool, Steve. I hope something comes out of it for PQ.

Ok now, YES!! You mean we can finally get WOF. GREAT!! I want mine autographed by the band. :lol: I can't wait to give it a spin.

ROCK ON!!!!!! :headbang:
On behalf of myself and the rest of Dark Crystal, I wish you guys all the best with this release.

You deserve any success you get, and I'm going to pick up this album along with "Prophet of the Last Eclipse" for my christmas stocking :)

Catchy ain't the word hehe..