Winona Ryder Convicted

yep. i work in petaluma. i remember everyone making a big deal of her coming back to support durring the polly claas thing. that was a wierd time around here.
That's why we take the cd's out of the boxes, before we put them in the store!
A serial number is attached to the sticker on the box and when people wanna buy it, i just look up the serial number and i put the cd in...
Ok, it's not a nice thing to do, when you have to get every fucking cd out, just because you can't trust costumers anymore!
And especially these two months, i'm always under a lot of pressure..
A lot of new releases, new boxes and collector's items,that comes, next to our regular stock, with a minimum amount of 25 each! just to let people buy stuff for the holidays...bah!
Tomorrow, only that one day alone...lord of the rings collector's box comes out, lord of the rings special edition and star wars...
and why do there always have to be 2 disks or even more, in a box? Oh and those special editions are wonderful too...
sometimes they are complete puzzles! (how do we keep our employees alert? :rolleyes:
Each box is fold differently, sometimes the disks aren't clear enough about what has to be number 1 and so on.. so i stand there, solving a puzzle, trying to please every costomer and have to check shoplifters too?

xxx Iris xxx

pfff...glad i have the day off today! ;)
Tee's avatar IS nice. Yours, on the other hand is just a bad attempt at... well I don't know what you were trying to do really... Blend two pictures together? All I can see is your head, basically your hair and TEH fridge and your arm on the left side of the pic but it sure doesn't look like two separate pictures. Plus the colors are strange... so what is it? Why don't you use another one, one that the first time I look at it I know what it is and don't have to write posts like this. But then, the magic and the mystery would be lost... ahh...