Okay. I am trying to thin out my collection to only albums I would miss if I didn't have them anymore. There is some stuff here that I still very much enjoy but could live without and some stuff I just want to get rid of. Is there anything here that you guys want to trade for? I'm only looking to trade.
5ive - The Hemopheliac Dream
A Silver Mt. Zion - He Has Left Us Alone, But Shafts of Light...
Aborted - Goremaggedon
Akimbo - City of Stars
All Shall Perish - Hate Malice Revenge
Anata - Dreams of Death and Dismay
Ancalagon - First Age: Entering Legenda
Anthrax - Return of The Killer A's
Anyone - Anyone
Behemoth - Zos Kia Cultus
Blood Red Throne - Affiliated With The Suffering
Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God
Bottom - You'rNext
Can - Ege Bamyasi
Carnal Forge - Please...Die!!!
Church of Misery - Masters of Brutality
Cruachan - Tuatha Na Gael
Demoncross - Blessed With Agression
Destroyer 666 - Phoenix Rising
Diamond Eyed Princess - Pagan Rite
Dissection - Storm of The Light's Bane/When Dead Angels Lie
Disturbed - Believe
Dusk - My Infinite Nature Alone
Dysrhythmia - Pretest
Eikind - Vargtime (EP)
Emperor - IX Equilibrium
End - II
Entombed - Morning Star
Especially Likely Sloth - But If What He'll What Ant
Falkenbach - Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty
Farmakon - A Warm Glimpse (promo)
Fooz - Fooz
Grand Belial's Key - Castrate The Redeemer
Grand Belial's Key - Judeobeast Assasination
Graveland - Dawn of Iron Blades (A5 Digibook)
Green Day - Dookie
Grief - Come To Grief
Grimoria - Demonologue (demo)
Grimoria - The Black Procession (demo)
Hierophant - The Tome
Inner Thought - Perspectives
Katatonia - Last Fair Deal Gone Down
Katatonia - Tonight's Decision
Khanate - Things Viral
Kilgore - A Search For Reason
Kittie - Oracle
Le'Rue Delashay - Musick In Theory & Practice
Lucifugum - Gates of Nocticula
Mare - Mare (EP)
Miasma & The Carousel of Headless Horses - Perils
Mithras - Forever Advancing Legions
Monster Magnet - Powertrip
Mortuary Drape - Into The Drape
Mutiilation - Majestas Leprosus (promo)
Nagelfar - Srontgorrth
Negative Reaction - Endofyorerror
No Use For a Name - Making Friends
Nosferatu - Legend
Opeth - Blackwater Park (2cd)
Opeth - Deliverance
Pain of Salvation - One Hour By The Concrete Lake
Pantera - Far Beyond Driven
Pantera - Vulgar Display of Power
Pearl Jam - Jeremy (single)
Propagandhi - Today's Empire, Tomorrow's Ashes
Rabies Caste - Let The Soul Out and Cut The Vein
Rage Against The Machine - Rage Against The Machine
Rajna - The Heady Wine of Praise
Rapture - Songs For The Withering
Red Hot Chili Peppers - One Hot Minute
Scholomance - The Immortality Murder
Shadows Fall - Of One Blood
Sin Origin - Night Aeternal
Six Feet Under - True Carnage
Skyclad - Folkemon
Soilwork - Natural Born Chaos
Sombre Frostfall - Spirit of The Sepulchre (demo)
Soulpreacher - Sonic Witchcraft
Stonehenge - Shadows
Sublime - Second-Hand Smoke
The Kiss of Death - The Kiss of Death
The Pollen - The Pollen
The Stone - Slovenska Krv
The Theory of Abstract Light - The Theory of Abstract light
Theory In Practice - Colonizing The Sun
Theory In Practice - The Armageddon Theories
Toadliquor - The Hortator's Lament
Varathron - His Majesty At The Swamp
Vehemence - Helping The World To See
Visceral Evisceration - Incessant Desire for Palatable Flesh
Vision of Disorder - From Bliss To Devestation
Vision of Disorder - Imprint
Vitriol - Vitriol
Weezer - Weezer
Windham Hell - South Facing Epitaph
Winds - Reflections of The I
Xasthur - A Gate Through Bloodstained Mirrors
Yes Tales - From Topographic Oceans (2cd)
Zebulon Pike - And Blood Was Passion
5ive - The Hemopheliac Dream
A Silver Mt. Zion - He Has Left Us Alone, But Shafts of Light...
Aborted - Goremaggedon
Akimbo - City of Stars
All Shall Perish - Hate Malice Revenge
Anata - Dreams of Death and Dismay
Ancalagon - First Age: Entering Legenda
Anthrax - Return of The Killer A's
Anyone - Anyone
Behemoth - Zos Kia Cultus
Blood Red Throne - Affiliated With The Suffering
Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God
Bottom - You'rNext
Can - Ege Bamyasi
Carnal Forge - Please...Die!!!
Church of Misery - Masters of Brutality
Cruachan - Tuatha Na Gael
Demoncross - Blessed With Agression
Destroyer 666 - Phoenix Rising
Diamond Eyed Princess - Pagan Rite
Dissection - Storm of The Light's Bane/When Dead Angels Lie
Disturbed - Believe
Dusk - My Infinite Nature Alone
Dysrhythmia - Pretest
Eikind - Vargtime (EP)
Emperor - IX Equilibrium
End - II
Entombed - Morning Star
Especially Likely Sloth - But If What He'll What Ant
Falkenbach - Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty
Farmakon - A Warm Glimpse (promo)
Fooz - Fooz
Grand Belial's Key - Castrate The Redeemer
Grand Belial's Key - Judeobeast Assasination
Graveland - Dawn of Iron Blades (A5 Digibook)
Green Day - Dookie
Grief - Come To Grief
Grimoria - Demonologue (demo)
Grimoria - The Black Procession (demo)
Hierophant - The Tome
Inner Thought - Perspectives
Katatonia - Last Fair Deal Gone Down
Katatonia - Tonight's Decision
Khanate - Things Viral
Kilgore - A Search For Reason
Kittie - Oracle
Le'Rue Delashay - Musick In Theory & Practice
Lucifugum - Gates of Nocticula
Mare - Mare (EP)
Miasma & The Carousel of Headless Horses - Perils
Mithras - Forever Advancing Legions
Monster Magnet - Powertrip
Mortuary Drape - Into The Drape
Mutiilation - Majestas Leprosus (promo)
Nagelfar - Srontgorrth
Negative Reaction - Endofyorerror
No Use For a Name - Making Friends
Nosferatu - Legend
Opeth - Blackwater Park (2cd)
Opeth - Deliverance
Pain of Salvation - One Hour By The Concrete Lake
Pantera - Far Beyond Driven
Pantera - Vulgar Display of Power
Pearl Jam - Jeremy (single)
Propagandhi - Today's Empire, Tomorrow's Ashes
Rabies Caste - Let The Soul Out and Cut The Vein
Rage Against The Machine - Rage Against The Machine
Rajna - The Heady Wine of Praise
Rapture - Songs For The Withering
Red Hot Chili Peppers - One Hot Minute
Scholomance - The Immortality Murder
Shadows Fall - Of One Blood
Sin Origin - Night Aeternal
Six Feet Under - True Carnage
Skyclad - Folkemon
Soilwork - Natural Born Chaos
Sombre Frostfall - Spirit of The Sepulchre (demo)
Soulpreacher - Sonic Witchcraft
Stonehenge - Shadows
Sublime - Second-Hand Smoke
The Kiss of Death - The Kiss of Death
The Pollen - The Pollen
The Stone - Slovenska Krv
The Theory of Abstract Light - The Theory of Abstract light
Theory In Practice - Colonizing The Sun
Theory In Practice - The Armageddon Theories
Toadliquor - The Hortator's Lament
Varathron - His Majesty At The Swamp
Vehemence - Helping The World To See
Visceral Evisceration - Incessant Desire for Palatable Flesh
Vision of Disorder - From Bliss To Devestation
Vision of Disorder - Imprint
Vitriol - Vitriol
Weezer - Weezer
Windham Hell - South Facing Epitaph
Winds - Reflections of The I
Xasthur - A Gate Through Bloodstained Mirrors
Yes Tales - From Topographic Oceans (2cd)
Zebulon Pike - And Blood Was Passion