Furious B said:I'd really like that Propaghandi album actually.
Erik said:hey. fo serious man: being the doom dude that you are you don't happen to have a hankerin' for Cold Mourning's "Lower Than Low"? i'd give you that for ancalagon or deströyer 666 i'd bet.
Furious B said:I'd really like that Propaghandi album actually. At what price are you willing to depart, good sir?
markgugs said:What types of shit are you looking for?
I have more CDs than anyone in this forum.
Tranquillian said:I'm quite offended by me not having anything worthy to trade with.
J. said:i'll give it a shot. anything here:
Solstafir - In Blood and Spirit
Solstafir - Till Valhallar
Grand Magus - Wolf's Return
Sigh - Gallows Gallery
Arcturus - La Masquerade Infernale
Gjallarhorn - Nordheim (two Doomsword members)
Melechesh - Sphynx
Old Man Gloom - Seminar III
Unholy - Rapture
Unholy - From the Shadows
Serpens Aeon - Dawn of Kouatl
Doomcifer said:Have you anything to trade, kind sir?