Wintersun Shirts! any US/Canadian fans want one?


Aug 19, 2003
Los Angeles, CA
Ignore this thread if you dont want a Wintersun shirt or dont like the band.

Here's a deal guys, i personally will be ordering some stuff off nuclearblast germany soon (because i want the hypocrisy box set) so, if anybody from the US isn't willing to pay in euros etc, or for that crazy ass shipping price, I'm asking if you guys are willing to pay me and i'll order some shirts for you guys.

If you're interested and FOR SURE you're going to pay for one, please email me at, PM, or reply to this post.

I have to charge $25 dollars for Tshirt, $35 for LS, because of euro exchange rate + shipping from europe for you guys.

As you can see on the there's currently beautiful death available, but the snowflake will be available soon too in September. So MSG me which shirt design you want and what size in your email and we'll arrange it. PLEASE let me know LATEST by SEPTEMBER 5th, because i gotta order before the hypocrisy box set run out.

THIS IS NOT A SCAM. You can trust me 100%, i sell stuff on ebay sometimes ID: lucifer1126 and i got 100% feedback. Also i'm on a lot of metal forums so you can get ahold of me any time.

Best way to get to know me more is through msn or aim!

alrite nuff said, now go decide! =)

*edit* for got to mention! IF there's anything else that u want from that german nuclearblast website that u want, like a shirt or CD, i can order them too.