Looking for Keytar

Sorry guys, but I think keytars look really shitty. And dudes who play keytars live on stage look like they've just never been cool enough to play guitar because their parents didn't allow them to learn a rock-instrument.

Most musicians would rather concntrate on the music and performing than how they look. Most asshole concentrate on how the musician looks rather than how they sound.

A piano/keyabord is a rock instrument, keytar is just a keyboard you can walk around with on stage if you want so you arn't stuck behind a huge synth the entire time.

scimikeytar? :erk:
Most musicians would rather concntrate on the music and performing than how they look. Most asshole concentrate on how the musician looks rather than how they sound.

A piano/keyabord is a rock instrument, keytar is just a keyboard you can walk around with on stage if you want so you arn't stuck behind a huge synth the entire time.

doesn't change my opinion about their look. You'll probably have to get over the fact that there are different opinions and that some people have humor and some people don't.