WIP - Think Paramore with balls + some screams - Free snare sample included!


Space Cowboy
Mar 7, 2010
Borlänge, Sweden
Hey guys. I'm working on a single for my new band. The song is basiclly done, but needs some more production. It's all real drums on this (I consider replacing shells with samples of the kit itself real) except for the infamous kick 10.

The Chains

The End

2nd. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10612702/TheChains_Mix3.mp3
1st. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10612702/TheChains_NewMixheh.mp3

Here's some cool art work for the single that I made aswell, just to show off you know.


The snare is a Pearl, Chad Smith's signature model if I'm not mistaking. You know, the guy from Red Hot Chili Peppers. It comes with 5 hard (crack) hits, 4 medium hits and 4 soft hits, and of course the .gog.
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10612702/Mary Fay Snare.rar

Some input on the song itself is also welcome. 'Cause I'd like to get rich, famous, strapped and fuck me'h some bitches.
That's one pingy snare man! And thanks for the samples, it's always very much appreciated.
Nice mix. My only criticism is that the vocals are a little dry and could maybe come up a bit? At least in the verses. I dunno, as the song goes on my ears are settling into it more, but they just felt like they came in a little timid. Awesome mix still though man.
That left crash is killing me (I think it's left..). o_O

Maybe a tad more compression on the close mic cymbals and brought down a tad volume-wise, whilst bringing the cymbal's room vol up?
That's one pingy snare man! And thanks for the samples, it's always very much appreciated.
Nice mix. My only criticism is that the vocals are a little dry and could maybe come up a bit? At least in the verses. I dunno, as the song goes on my ears are settling into it more, but they just felt like they came in a little timid. Awesome mix still though man.

yes, it totally has that ping pong vibe, perhaps it's made in china, haha.
and yeah, they are my own vocals and I'm a bit self-conscious sometimes and mix them very low. I actually dropped both the verb and delay sends 'cause I thought they were too wet, maybe a bad decision then. thanks for your comment :)

That left crash is killing me (I think it's left..). o_O

Maybe a tad more compression on the close mic cymbals and brought down a tad volume-wise, whilst bringing the cymbal's room vol up?

yeah, both the right crash and the china are a bit harsh at times, especially during the breakdown. think I'll have to take a trip to automationville and see what can be done.

vocals definitely need to come up a bit, they just don't sit right in the mix, it's very hard to hear what the vocals are saying. Also the cymbals are killing it, way over powering the mix.
Apart from that sounding sweet =)

I referenced some City Sleeps-stuff, I realize now that it was a bad move. cymbals are super high and vocals kinda low-ish on that one. thanks dude.

Jan [MTW];9974414 said:
Wow, the artwork is awesome!
Do you do this as a hobby or professional?

thanks alot! I do it both professionally and as a hobby. so if you ever need an album cover I advice you to hit me up with a PM and I'll see what I can do :)

I love this! Great mix, great song. I like the cymbals, my only slight complaint would be the same as Matt's, at the beginning the vocals come in a bit too timid, but they seem to fit much better a bit more into the song.

Excellent snare, thanks a lot for sharing it as well

it was a struggle, bringing the chorus vocals up and the verse vocals down, playing with limiters, boosting mids. but yeah, I think I'm getting close, I just don't want the vocals to sound nasal and overcompressed, so getting the levels right is kinda hard. but anyways, thanks alot for your heart-warming comment :)
Freaking awesome song, really diggin' it!
The vocals sounds a little muddy in my headphones, but I think the overall balance is nice!

Skitbra låt, grymt jobbat! ;)
updated mix finally! some more production elements and stuff. still some stuff to do, but yeah.. check it out!



(Jag tror bestämt vi är bekanta från Arenan; såg den här tråden av en slump. Kör resten på utomrikiska av PK-skäl ;))

Cool! I didn't know you were Theos' replacer! Good job! Overall, the mix sounds good to my ears. My only "complaints" would be that it all sounds a little crowded. The mix lacks a bit of clarity/air and punch. I don't know if it is because of overprocessing of the individual tracks (plugmageddon?) or if it's because of whatever is on the mix bus? And also, I agree on the previous posters regarding harsh cymbals and lead vocals...don't be afraid to raise your own vocals about 1.5 dB..they're good, so bring 'em up front! Drums 'n vocals..that's what it's all about ;) Also..a minor spontaneous production suggestion. Why not mute everything but the vocals at 00:41 to make it an obvious pick up to the chorus? The supposed climax of the chorus gets a bit lost in all the tom-bonanza and guitar work.
Anyway..overall great work! Nice to hear fellow citizens perform good mixes; say hi to the guys from me :)

Just my 2 cents!

Oh, nice to see so many swedish peeps here :)

Thanks alot for your input, guys! I've worked a bit more on the mix, and I got my hands on a pair of Fostex PM-1's (lånade av Jonas!) so my desk is like speaker-o-rama right now, the PM-1's, my RP5's and of course some hi-fi's. We checked the levels and did a proper master and also finished the second song. So these are the official versions of songs of the single which is due to release September 16th, a sneak preview for my fellow sneapsters (and neighbour's too it seems!). Enjoy! :)

The Chains

The End