wisconsin show

The worst place to see a show.....The Rave.

Whitey, are they the usual comp tickets they always pass out at the Rave? The kind where you have to buy a bunch of beer so you can enjoy a "free" show?
It says genadm cacomp on the ticket. A guy I work with got them at some show for free.

I'm sure this will be considered reunion whining but I just don't see the point in going. I've seen the reunion, it was a novelty that has lost it's luster for me. If they want to keep Joey, fine but make with a new record. It's new longer a new thing.
the show will bi in the Rave - I don't think it will be in the ballroom. The Rave sound is pretty good at times. The ballroom has acoustic issues.
tone1970 said:
the show will bi in the Rave - I don't think it will be in the ballroom. The Rave sound is pretty good at times. The ballroom has acoustic issues.

I heard Don Shula and Ricky Williams will be there:lol: :lol: :lol: