Wish me luck!

Boy did I get my ass kicked.

I fenced sabre on Saturday and did alot better than I was expecting, considering how rarely I fence sabre. I made it to the second round of eliminations then got defeated by the guy who won bronze 15-10. Then the next day, I fenced foil first. Of course, my mind was still tuned to sabre, so I was hitting flat (in sabre you can slash/cut with the blade, in foil you must use the point) and hitting masks (mask isn't target in foil) all the time, and it wasn't until my last pool match that I did well because I'd finally gotten out of sabre mode. Of course, because I'd done so crappily before that, my ranking was really low, and in tournaments, the lower you rank, the higher the rank of the guy you fence in eliminations is. So yeah, I was fencing the guy that came in 4th place overall. In epee, which came next, I fenced really well, but everyone else had been fencing for longer than me and so they were all better, so no regrets there or anything.

Last time I fence sabre before foil/epee. Had a great time, though :cool: