Wishes for 2012

I would like ( No I want hehe)

- Pagan's Mind
- Circus Maximus
- Borealis
- Myrath
- Communic
- Epysode
- Darkwater
- Lost in Thought
- Anthriel
- Aspera
- Threshold
- Anubis Gate
- Evergrey
Though I like Aspera's debut album, cancelling progpower for Idols got talent or what shit has earned them a permanent, lifelong and eternal boycott from yours truly. That's the most surefire way to antagonize any (potential) fans.
The Man-Eating Tree

the band of Sentenced-Drummer Vesa Ranta and the vocalist is Tuomas Tuominen of Fall Of The Leafe.

New album is coming soon, currently it streams for prelistening at the Inferno-Page (Finnish Zine, legal ;D). I don't know for how long the stream will work, probably just some days.
Check out "Incendere" :)


Also the new vid is out and plenty more material on YT and so on..

At the moment they are touring with Amorphis in Europe, so maybe some of you are now seeing them anyways as support band, so have a look :cool:
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Anubis Gate
Porcupine Tree (i know they will never show up at a festival with the name 'Prog'......:guh:)

If any on these bands show up, i'll show up again :-)
Great bands already mentioned. My favorites for 2012 edition :

1. Appearance of nothing (simply fantastic album "all gods are gone")
2. Wolverine
3. Arch/Matheos
4. Ghost brigade
5. the last successor (chinese prog metal)