With the festive season looming.....

Seeing Epica in Sheffield on the 12th, Power Quest in Derby on the 14th and Power Quest again at Metieval Winterfest in Hull on the 16th.

Having a work's Christmas meal on the 21st and just spending Christmas Day and other days around it with the Family. Looking forward to it actually as it's the first christmas since my niece was born.
I'm in a Christmas play at my church, and Christmas morning I'm having a family get-together at my grandmother's. Other than that the month leading up to Christmas is gonna be a pretty normal month.
Up to Christmas, not too much at all. Then it's going to be a whirlwind-awesome week or so - Christmas at home with the family, lots of visiting friends, then back to Uni to spend New Years' with friends & the other half - who I won't have seen for 2 months by that point. Very much looking forward to it! :)
Cool reading about what everyone's up to; good topic Steve!

Me, I'm just relaxing. I have two weeks of classes left for the semester, and then it's a month free to work full time and save up a little more money before the next semester. I'm ready for my finals so I'm just counting the days until my break. We don't go anywhere for the holidays; we're just staying home having a nice quiet Christmas. Hopefully we get some snow this year!
Church on Christmas Eve then sharing it with family, not venturing far as they just live along the road, lol. On the plus side though, no need for a taxi when you've had a bit of festive spirit!