With the regular use of a v

lpxc ovdg

lpxc ovdg
With the regular use of a variety of nutritious, tonic, cleansing and, without fail, moisturizing cosmetics, it is possible to achieve beauty and healthy skin. First you need to determine what type of facial skin is. Only after this can you begin to choose the means to care for her. There are three main types of facial skin. Dry skin creates a feeling of tightness, characterized by narrowed pores and frequent appearances of various peeling. Oily has enlarged pores, is often glossy and is characterized by the presence of constant inflammatory reactions (in the form of acne or acne). Normal skin has neither peeling and tightness, nor oily sheen. It is believed that wrinkles cannot be avoided. And if they have already managed to "mark" on your face, do not despair: you can cope with them. At home, creams and masks that slow down aging and smooth the skin will help in this. A cream prepared from the following products is effective in combating the signs of aging ml of water; of grape seed oil of honey half-liter can of white lily flowers. Freshly cut flower petals are brewed with boiling water and the mixture is insisted for 50-60 minutes (it is advisable to do this in a thermos).