Withering Surface - Force the Pace


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Withering Surface – Force the Pace
Scarlet Records – 2004
By Jason Jordan


At first, it’s all good with Withering Surface, until the realization hits that they’re attempting to be In Flames. It’s all downhill from there. I like the cover art a lot, though.

“Gears” is kind of a rough and antagonistic beginning to Force the Pace. Gravelly vox are dispersed throughout the number’s duration. The chorus, however, is much more open and inviting than the other parts of “Gears.” “Exit Sculpture” has the cascading guitar melody upon inception, and – later – the guitars dropout completely in favor of silence. Cue resident, guitar lead at the 2:30 minute mark. “This View” relays blistering musicianship (read: blistering musicianship for the standards of Withering Surface). “Force the Pace” is another stride within the same formula, but good ideas arise now and again. “Hold the Line,” at first listen, is seemingly a minor variation from the norm, but eventually settles into ground already covered. “Machinery” is the band’s try at brutality and “Inhale the Hyper Pulse” is the members’ accounts of inhaling the hyper pulse…whatever the hell that means. “State of Emergency” aptly commences with siren soundclips that eventually waver in submission to the mid-paced rhythms Withering Surface applies. “Anything Goes” and “Urban Glasses” is the remainder of Force the Pace.

Can’t really give the band many props for trying to emulate In Flames so closely. If you have a hankering for the latter, summon the appropriate CD’s or mp3’s from your collection and have at it. Withering Surface, though, will fall in line far behind the aforementioned.


Official Withering Surface website
Official Scarlet Records website