Within Temptation: guest for Iron Maiden

Jean-Pierre said:
Yeah, how the hell did Tomb Raider ever get popular? The movies were horrible (haven't seen em) and the games were even fucking worse (played for about 8 minutes). Proves the idiocy of the masses.
Nah man the games were awesome. At least the first three. I was addicted to those things, mostly cuz I was too poor to buy any other games. I ended up perfecting the first Tomb Raider to the point where I could get to the last level without dying once.

The movies were unblelievably horrid, sadly my cousin (who is the true definition of a Laura Croft fan boy) dragged me to see both of them. They were both painful...

Oh and as for Within Temptation, I downloaded a few of their songs and I don't think I was able to stomach my way through one. Buy a Tori Amos CD instead...
Arch Enemy opened when I saw em in New York. Crowd wasn't too into it, but I thought they rocked pretty hard.
Erik said:
Sure as smör i solsken I am.

I guess they'll be playing Rockefeller, which is in Oslo, which is about 50 minutes from where I live. Stupid gig date, though, because I'm most likely in Spain the 28th of June. If not, I'll be kool and buy you a beer before the gig. (Not that I'm going to the actual gig, Maiden is teh suck :p)

What is wrong with their choosing of support? Is it really that hard for one of the biggest metal bands on the planet to choose another band that they know they'd really work well with and compliment?

Megadeth have the right idea for their US tour - EXODUS supporting!! (I SO hope they'll be following them through Europe as well!)

Funeral For A Friend and Murderdolls were the true depths of depravity, but Within Temptation hardly deserve to lick the stadium floors clean of beer either...
Arpanet said:
Arch Enemy opened when I saw em in New York. Crowd wasn't too into it, but I thought they rocked pretty hard.
Yeah, I went to one of those shows too. They weren't bad at all (saw them on the Jaggermeister tour as well), but It's not really a good combination. They should tour with more power metal bands or NWOBHM bands.
