Without Face tour


Readin' me posts are ya?
May 16, 2001
Surbiton. The Posh bit
The band are just about half way through the tour now, and it all seems to be going well for them.

French webzine Obskure (a good read if you know the lingo) have posted a few pics up from the show in Limoges here: http://www.obskure.com/fr/sommaire_photosconcerts.php3 .

The band's remaining shows are as follows:

Feb. 18 Lyon, FRA - Rail Theatre
Feb. 19 Bordeaux, FRA - Koslow
Feb. 20 Madrid - Sala Caracol
Feb. 21 Barcelona, ESP - Razzmatazz 2
Feb. 22 Granada, ESP - Sala el Tren
Feb. 23 Vitoria, ESP - Azkena
Feb. 24 Toulouse, FRA - Ramonville
Feb. 25 Rennes, FRA - Ubu
Feb. 26 Strasbourg, FRA - La Laiterie
Feb. 27 Rotterdam, NETH - Nighttown
Feb. 28 Hardenberg, NETH - Podium
Mar. 1 Antwerp, BEL - Hof Ter Lo
Mar. 2 Tilburg, NETH - 013 (w/Paradise Lost, Opeth)
Mar. 3 London, UK - Mean Fiddler

Check 'em out if you can!

Opeth and WF!!! I am in Tilburg on 2d!! Smite me across the visage if I am not happy!!:rock:
Ohhhh loveLee pictures... I envy again. But I hope to talk to you Lee in Tilburg about the possibility of live performance, okay?:) Damn, now I am answering to a huuuuuuge interview! And right now I said that we love our uncle Lee very much, and he loves us too! Especially when we speak middle english!:):lol:
Originally posted by Lee_B
There's a few pictures from the Vienna show here:


One of those pics would make a much less frightening avatar for you, by the way... :grin:

Well, even this:
thank god for live4metal.com!!!

i have to admit i left before cathedral had finished as well! i don't think i was the only one by a long stretch.

i agree with pretty much everything pete says even down to the unsurprising changeover of running order.

WF definitely look more accomplished having got the rest of this tour under their belts. and i feel more comfortable myself watching them play with a live keyboard player.

whenever i see a drummer onstage playing along to a DAT tape or sequenced synth parts i find myself watching him concerntrate for most of the show. and just waiting for that haggard look that appears on a drummers face when he realises that he's not on the click anymore......
thats nice to hear...!but anyway, we feel much more comfortable with our keyboardplayer also..playing with the minidisc was a pain in the arse...!...though it was definately smaller and ate less!?:err::)
tour report soon..promised...ehmmm....komolyan!!:))

metal zaszlaja meg lobogjon!!! ;) :)


zer0 said:
hi, please publish some tour report here or on your website...
greetings from Degesz.

*magasra emeljük a metál zászlaját* /forum/images/smilies/smile.gif)))
