

Eats and spits corpses...
Sep 2, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
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a short review of the concert i saw last night:

1. godflesh
2. raging speedhorn
4. Fear Factory

some friends of mine picked me up right after school at 15:35 and we drove to cologne to see them. we all wanted to see devy. we didn't knew the first two bands and fear factory is nothing special in my opinion. well, after 3h and some minutes we arrived at the live-music-hall. it was just 5 minutes before the show started. the entrance was about 45 dm.... :/ ..pretty much...but we paid it and got in. the first step was heading to the marchandise-table. i buyed a SYL T-shirt just in the when godflesh began to play. the first seemed to be not bad but the second sounded like the first and the third like the second. it was not very crowded in front of the stage and we enjoyed talking and making jokes. then godflesh were over and we were waiting for raging speedhorn. they played limp bizkit (!!!!!) music between the gigs. then in the soundcheck a friend of mind thought he had heard something about devil. i looked at the guitars they were soundchecking and i noticed esp explorers...i know devin use them. we went more in front of the stage...maybe 4th row or something then i saw the blue-silver fender guitar devin used on terria. row #2 then ;)...some minutes later DEVIN and his band entered the stage. if you have ever seen him live you know that this guy has some problems....he even say one sentence without "fuck" or something. "hi, we are a heavy metal band from canada and we say fuck you".
theyy played:

velvet kevorkian
all hail the new flesh
something from as heavy as... i didn'T know the name
ocean machine
something from as heavy as... i didn'T know the name

i'm sure i forgot some song but these were the most important ;)

it wasn'T crowded but some meters behind me there was an ultimative fighting-pit. hell yeah :)....he'S guitarwork was perfect and gene hoglan (this man is a damn fat bastard) kicked some serious ass at the double-base.
the second guitarist (i forgot is name though) was even greater and more weirdo :)). he played the extremely fast riffs like they were nothing. i was stunned. anyway the gig was to short and they left the band.
fear factory made a good performance but i was sooooo tirred of devy...my neck hurts now....hehe :)

it was worth it!