Wolf bass player leaves the band


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Straight from their official MySpace site:

Headbangers open air will be the last show with Mikael Goding as the bass player. Here is Mikaels own words:

"To put it simple: To much business and mini van, and to less music. The reason we started the band was that we wanted to create great new wave of British heavy metal. And we certainly have! The thing that I always have enjoyed most with WOLF is to see a song grow during rehearsals. Thinking: man! this is a really good song, and we have done it together. Now with Tobias and Johannes living on the west coast, we hardly rehearse at all and that sucks! Unfortunately, releasing an album isn't just about music, there is a lot of business involved, and I hate that shit! Playing a gig is a lot more than the gig, and I hate that shit to! Last gig (BYH) we played 40 minutes and was away for 50 hours, and we didn’t get any money at all.

The worst part with leaving WOLF is how much I'll miss the fans. Even if there aren’t legions of them, there is still some who are really dedicated. Like Joxe who comes to almost every show we play in Europe. So thank you all who have bought the record and all who have been at gigs for the past "12 waysted years".

Mikael "Tormentor" Goding
PS: The HOA show will be dedicated to Joxe - a true metal warrior.ds.

Those at HOA enjoy and scream a bit for me :cry:
Well, I can understand it a bit; knowing you're in one of the best live bands around and getting too little money in return for all the work. They should be payed more than 90% of all shit bands playing on diverse "big" festivals this summer in Europe!! The gig at KIT simply was one of the best shows I ever saw...

Sad news for Wolf. I totally understand where he's coming from though. I've gone through that many times myself driving long distances and giving a lot of your time and money only to get nothing in return.

Cheers to the future of both parties.
Man, I just cam across a their last album too...
Still sealed at the bottom of a pile of cd's...

Not their best effort, but still pretty solid specially the great 'Steelwinged Savage Reaper'. It is sad for me since they're one of my favorite bands since I discover them, even atop of some classic outfits with more time on the road but burnt in ideas.

NP: Masterplan - I'm Gonna Win
Anders Modd of Tad Morose "fame" is the new bassist:
"Well, now the final gig with Mikael 'Tormentor' Goding is done and we're very proud to say that he pounded his bass like the metalmonster he is at Headbangers Open Air festival! Thanx to Tormentor for all the years of dedication, songwriting, partying etc. etc. It's been a blast.

"The predator in us have been hunting for a replacement and we're proud to announce that Anders 'Tornado' Modd will be helping us out as live bassist for now. You all know Anders for his outstanding work in TAD MOROSE and he is truly a great musician and metal fan. Rehearsals have been going great and we're ready to slay the U.K. once more in August on Bloodstock fest and additional gigs.

"By the way, we wanted Phil from MUNICIPAL WASTE, but he's already playing in a kick-ass band."

Also gotta disagree with Wyvern about The Black Flame, it is their best effort IMO! Good production and excellent catchy songs, a lot more focused and just all around better than the earlier ones.
Also gotta disagree with Wyvern about The Black Flame, it is their best effort IMO! Good production and excellent catchy songs, a lot more focused and just all around better than the earlier ones.

No, no, no my dear. The BEST is "Evil Star" which is focused and catchy, the new one to my ears is the one lacking focus. And only one catchy song 'Steelwinged Savage Reaper', while ES has the title track, 'Devil Moon', Wolf's Blood and the amazing version of (Don't Fear) The Reaper.

But again disagreement is the basis for a non-boring forum :kickass:

NP: Rush - 'Good News First'
I love all 4 discs. Each offers something a bit different. Evil Star may be their best, but their latest was such a kick ass metal album. Great guitar and drum sound and very catchy stuff - All courtesy of Mr. Nordstrom! I loved "Meet me at the Graveyard" - that was a very catchy song, as was I Will Kill Again. #7 on Black Flame (forget the title) was heavy as hell. :rock:

Evil Star was the first disc I heard by the band and I still love that disc very much. I got the edition with Bonus Tracks - no idea why they didn't put those 2 songs on the real album itself! :Smug:
Sad news for Wolf. I totally understand where he's coming from though. I've gone through that many times myself driving long distances and giving a lot of your time and money only to get nothing in return.

Cheers to the future of both parties.

I understand 100%. I played many shows for free.... in fact, I often payed money to play (spent it in buying beer.) The world of music is like that, less for the chosen few. Most of my favorite bands.... the members have day jobs.

Anders Modd of Tad Morose "fame" is the new bassist:

Also gotta disagree with Wyvern about The Black Flame, it is their best effort IMO! Good production and excellent catchy songs, a lot more focused and just all around better than the earlier ones.

Anders is a great fit for these guys. Anders is also one hell of a super nice guy. If Wolf is as good on stage as one poster mentioned, then Anders will fit right in. I can't count how many shows I have seen in my life, yet I honestly can't say I have seen a better live band than Tad Morose. Anders was a big part of that as well.

