Wolf - Black Wings


Heat in 7
Apr 17, 2001
Southern California
No Fashion - 2002

By Rodrigo

SMOKING PART TWO!! Yes. Once again Wolf has left me saying "Smoking!" after listening to their second album Black Wings. Picking exactly where they left with their self-titled release this album is even better. It is darker, heavier and angrier than their last one. To basically sum it up, it just sounds louder and that’s a good thing! Yes, they continue to pay homage to bands like Iron Maiden and Judas Pries with their 80’s sounding musical style but is that such a bad thing? To many people those two bands stopped being good when the 80’s were done (definitely not Iron Maiden in my opinion) so then this would be the perfect band for you. They continue that path and they make it sound new or at least they make it sound 21st Century with the production (one of the last ones from Abyss Studios). If you still have a problem with this or you just think that Wolf is blatantly ripping off those two bands and more then you better just stop reading this review and keep on thinking about those "good old days".

Let’s start with simply the best song of Black Wings "I Am the Devil". It starts off right through the middle of a guitar solo, how many songs have you heard do that? The driving and galloping verses are fantastic and the anthem-like chorus would sound great in a live setting. Fans of Iron Maiden should have no problem getting excited about the amazing instrumental section of this song. It is just pure ear candy, even the bass of Mikael Goding has that Steve Harris sound during this part, and the guitar work of Niklas A. Olsson and Johan Bülow is comparable to the great Smith/Murray duo, check out the dual harmony that ends the song, absolutely phenomenal! This song easily gets my nomination for one of the best of the year. As soon as this song is over you just have to give a big sigh of relief. The good thing is that the song that immediately follows it is "Venom" a more mid-tempo paced song that definitely has the Judas Pries sound. Even Niklas manages to sound a little bit like Rob Halford with a bit more anger in the voice. "Genocide" is another song with this sound and it’s faster and more aggressive than "Venom". But if you are looking for a song with some more speed then "Night Stalker" should be to your liking. A song with a lyrical message similar to "Killers" this is another shining moment for the band. Driving drums (Daniel Begkvist), excellent riffs and more aggressive and phenomenal singing are what make this song so amazing and I haven’t even touched the solos by the Olsson/Bülow team. "Demon Bell" might not be as fast but still is another excellent song. The greatest part of this song has to be the solo from 2:38 – 3:10, followed by some very cool drumming section by Daniel.

So what more do you need to read about this album to convince you that you have to get it? This is just beautiful stuff and the music just should speak for itself and drive the point home. If you are looking for a no holds barred metal album then make sure that Black Wings is the next album you buy. You shall not regret it!

No Fashion Website
Wolf Official Website