WOLF Evil Star. Fucking A!!!!


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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I have been racking my brain with ways to describe this album. I had never heard a note of WOLF before. I had seen an ad in Metal Edge. But never even considered giving them a chance, in all honesty. Enter the Mighty GREENO (who is by every account, a Great American.) He sent me a copy of this MASTERPIECE the other day and I cannot quit listening to it. So how would I describe it??? Well, I think the best way to put it is that it somewhow reminds you of every great metal album you've ever heard from the 80's, but yet it somehow seems different and fresh at the same time. At the start of the album, you think, "Yeah, I've heard this before, but DAMN it kicks ass!" But you just can't put your finger on it. It sounds like somebody but you just don't know who. Fuck it....it sounds like NOBODY because it's so damn perfect! And if you blink you'll miss something. If you give this album a chance, you gotta put the time aside to hear it in its entirity. For example, one song is going along strong a la old school KillEmAll and then there's a COWBELL?!?! Think of going from Seek and Destroy into Hair Of The DOg! The riffs are incredible and the songs are catchy!!!! I have raved about the new DEATH ANGEL cd and this thing blows it outta the water. GREAT OLD SCHOOL SOUND THAT SOMEHOW SOUNDS FRESH AND LEAVES YOU WANTING MORE! That's the best way I can put it into words.

It's good!

Please check these guys out if you haven't . Don't be like me and write them off!!

Thanks Greeno for a new favorite!
Gee Teddy where have you been lately. We have been recomending Wolf like crazy to everyone in the forum. I just burned "Evil Star" for Sixx (to be dispatched tomorrow :D ). Is my #1 album of the year so far with low probability of stepping down form there.

I hate to repeat myself (yeah sure) but Wolf is one of the best bands to came out in the last 5 years or more. Three young musicians from Sweden with an attitude for classic metal, the respect for it and the capacity to play it right. I'm sure that after this album (their third btw) a lot of eyes will be put on them and these guys will be able to deliver their message to a (yet) wider audience.
Well, you're right. I haven't been checking in on things that often, but it couldn't hurt to keep WOLF in the spotlight, right? haha Sorry though to be redundant, but this album excited the hell outta me! I was gonna send SWINE a cdr of it, too! haha Well, hopefully the ol' Pig will share our enthusiasm!
tedvanfrehley said:
...and you GOTTA love a positive review from a guy in corpsepaint!haha PSYCHONAUT's avatar scares the hell outta me! I love King Diamond but he is one spooky sumbitch! You are a great man.
Actually King is no scary at all. I talked to him serveral times. He is very easy and quite spoken. He comes over as very intelligent. Around '82/83 Mercyful fate were almost like the Dynamo pub house band, so many times they played there. When they played on fridaynight they used to visit our metal pub on saturday evening.

Thats right, the scary man would enter our lowly pub without any paint on his face and talk with anyone he would meet, same as the rest of the band. They would sit at the bar enjoying the music and chatting with the people around them.

Welcome to the Dynamo metal pub in the early 80s! :)
Other bands did this too. Satan, Laaz Rockit, Agent Steel, Raven, Crimson Glory and many others.

Just remember. The pictures you see of those who play and sing for you are pictures of *real living and breathing people*. And most of them are very nice !