Wolverine News: Per Broddesson leaves the band


Badger Boy
From our latest newsletter:

Unfortunately we have to announce that Per Broddesson and Wolverine have parted ways. Per had been a member of the band since 2000 and he will of course be missed. The decision to part ways was however mutual and there are no hard feelings involved in this split. The split took place only because of finiancial matters as well as musicial differences. From what we know Per will continue his musical journey with his band The Doomsday Cult and we wish him the best of luck with that. Wolverine will however continue with full force as a 5-piece. Cliché or not, we have high hopes that our next album (which we hope to record next summer) will be our best effort to date. We are aiming for a non-concept album with songs more heavy and aggressive than on "Cold light of Monday". We're simply in a heavy metal mode right now!! Updates on the process of creating this next album will be posted as often as possible.
Shame, although I'm sure you guys will deliver a top quality release, especially if you're in heavy metal mode!

I was actually jamming CLoM today in the car - really gotta love those vocal harmonies on "Sarah" and "Carousel". PLEEEASE exhaust Stefan Zell to the point where we get more than just 1 or 2 cool choruses in a song!!!

I'm going to pick up "The Window Purpose" at ProgPower this weekend...and then at some point, I'm going to ask you to hook me up with copies of your demos if you'd be so friggin' kind. \m/
Trust me: Stefan will leave the studio hoarse and crying, or he won't leave the studio ;). As far as progress goes, so far all I can say is that we will once again be recording at Spacelab next year.

I'll see what I can do about the demos. The only CD copy that we had of them disappeared mysteriously.

Evil C.: I just remembered that I promised you a promo of The Window Purpose... I forgot all about it. Sorry. If you still want one, I can send it out tomorrow.
Well, I'm just going to have to buy The Window Purpose from Earache because nobody at ProgPower was selling it!! (They did have the Cold Light of Monday, which eventually sold out.)