Wolves in the Throne Room and Liturgy


New Metal Member
Jul 15, 2011
These two bands are alright, but they are the basis of an interview that calls them pretentious and after reading it, I have to agree. I mean, just read this excerpt from a press release of Wolves in the Throne Room''s new album:

The WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM clan have confirmed the title of this forthcoming astral black metal document as Celestial Lineage -yeah, thats the title

The transmutation reaches a new level with the completion of the album. In contrast to the bleakly hypnotic architecture of Black Cascade, the lifespan of Celestial Lineage breathes more expansive and visionary life into the duo’s work. The WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM trademark long-form approach to arrangement remains intact, but there is a stronger thread of Popul Vuh-inspired underworld synthscapes and star-lit pulse woven with the intertwining guitar figures.

I mean, it's not a BAD thing- they're just trying to be a little different. The author paints their wordage as being too serious for black metal's inherent silliness. What do yall think?

You can read the whole thing here http://bit.ly/rfkxdV
Well the guy seems like a douche, and probably isn't smart enough to understand what they're saying. Is there a dimension of pretentiousness to WitTR? Absolutely. Does what they say make sense? Yes. If the guy doesn't get it, that's his problem.

Is their critique of black metal ideology accurate? Well, it depends on the band, since views vary quite strongly throughout the genre. But what they're saying does describe a view many black metal bands took early on. Not surprisingly, almost all the major founders of the genre have moved away from the Satan junk as they grew up.
They do something different. I really like WitTR, Liturgy I'm hit or miss with. All the people whining and complaining need to just knock it off. I'd rather listen to either of them than the scads of bullshit "kvlt" BM bands that sound like one guy in a shed picking his guitar with his teeth.
OK after watching the Liturgy interview they look like tools and sound like they're talking out of their asses.

That video was totally hilarious. I'm on the fence with their music though.

Renihilation is the only album of theirs I have. Arctica grabbed me right off the bat, but the other songs were just kind of there. Needs more listens.

Love Wolves.
Who cares about their pretentiousness or how their views are concerned. They're musicians. Music and cover art are really all that matters IMO.
With the way Liturgy bastardizes and demeans the black metal scene like it is petty and immature you would think their music would be better than it actually is. I judge music based upon the quality of their output and not the way a band holds themselves in the public spotlight, but when a band flaunts their ideologies with superiority, they better be exceptional; which Liturgy is not.

I wasted my time reading the manifesto that the undergrad punk from Liturgy wrote (since he doesnt interview worth a shit), and it made me wonder if he even heard any black metal released after the 90s. His idea of "transcendental" black metal is convoluted nonsense that may perhaps have been relevant to the black metal scene if this were 1992; all black metal bands dont constantly blast like early Darkthrone and additionally cover a wide variety of themes, atmospheres, and ideologies. Renihilation (only album ive heard) sort of reflects their ideology of breaking away from the traditional black metal sound, but I didnt find it ground-breaking like they suggest and conversely it seemed very sub-par in most aspects.

As for WitTR, I never got the vibe that they thought they were trying to define a new genre or take things to a level that "no other band can do". Sure they have some rather elaborate explanations about their musical vision, but most good bands actually attempt to write music that is an artistic representation of their ideas/themes, so I really dont have issues with it. Though imo WitTR's music is kind of boring and their songs just drone on without any sense of cohesive songwriting.
Liturgy has put out two phenomenal records and a mediocre academic paper on black metal. Yes, the scion interview has more facepalm moments than your average larper meet-up, but people need to get over it and move on (including this writer).

The writer is right about the WITTR press release though, god awful.
Bands should be assessed on their music.

WITTR is pretty unoriginal, but competent, and has done well by virtue of being an American band that has some live presence and tours here. I have no doubt that better bands of that style would get that level of popularity if they were visible. If Walknut rolled through town every year or so, they'd be big too.

Liturgy is at least doing something relatively unique, and what I've heard of their music is interesting and often pretty good. I don't care about what these guys are like in real life.

It's pretty pathetic how people will give a pass to racists and bigots and even murderers, but then rail on hipsters and posers. If character and personality of musicians matters, apply it across the board.
You can read the whole thing here http://bit.ly/rfkxdV

I agree 100% on almost everything, except their "music’s inherent greatness". Mediocre bands with slighly more originality than most and trying extremely hard to be more special and mystical than they really are. I wonder if they create their own Black Hipster Circle?

The transmutation reaches a new level with the completion of the album. In contrast to the bleakly hypnotic architecture of Black Cascade, the lifespan of Celestial Lineage breathes more expansive and visionary life into the duo’s work. The WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM trademark long-form approach to arrangement remains intact, but there is a stronger thread of Popul Vuh-inspired underworld synthscapes and star-lit pulse woven with the intertwining guitar figures.

An ornate constellation of imagery is what that guides the songwriting process. Cedar temples crowned with burnished bronze domes glimpsed in a remote valley. Wild Midsummer bonfires and feasting on roasted flesh. All of the sounds serve to evoke the images that exist in our minds eye. With this record we’re going to explore an entirely new palette of sound. We want the instruments to sound like the liturgical music of a cedar cult.


But yes, WITTR at least has some idea behind their music even if it's disguised in endless verbal shit and glorification, but Liturgy is the real deal. I couldn't even watch nor read their inteviews completely due to massive embarassment. Anyway, they'd be okay if they would just stick to making music and leave that retarded blabber behind.

Also, this:

Who cares ?
WTTR are a pretty excellent band.(In terms of atmosphere I think they do what they set out to accomplish very well)

Liturgy also play some good stuff. It's a shame that they look like trendies and that their singer talks like a douche.The other members look like they want to get up and leave in the middle of the interview to grab some mcdonalds and go watch a movie while the vocalists does the interview solo:lol: