Wolves in the Throne Room

Damn fucking right.

I'm flying out to SF to see them in october, and I may, just may, have to see them in Santa Cruz the night after "Under the stars".
You know their playing SLC too right?

I'll be seeing them in North Carolina if I can work out sleeping arragenments.
This band is beyond amazing, the latest album is truly a masterpeice.
Holy shit that band is awesome!!!!! I still like Wolves better, though. Maybe it's the harmonies.

Is EVERYONE in Rome this fucking awesome? I like what they did with that...SPQR...Rome. Some will get it, some won't. Cool.

The corpsepaint needs a little work, though.
They'd have to to be able to open for Gorgoroth and Shining.

Your future band sounds pretty cool...grim too. I'd try and fatten up the guitars a bit...maybe layer several of them and throw some diatonic thirds or fourths in there for good measure. Give it that huge wall of sound like Immortal.
that's what i was thinking! The keyboardist/composer gave me white paper <- (carta bianca :lol:) to rearrange the songs :D
that's what i was thinking! The keyboardist/composer gave me white paper <- (carta bianca :lol:) to rearrange the songs :D

Haha, cool. In English, we actually say "carte blanche", which is French of course. Another one of those things that we just take from other languages, such as fiancee.

So in Italian we should actually say "carta bianca"? Cool.