That is all
ah lets compare notes...hmm after 3 daughters and 17 years of marriage....... ! your right !
I can agree with this thread and understand Skyweaver...after 7 years on a relationship, 3 being married, and 2 daughters, the only conclusion is that woman are crazy. Sometimes I wish I liked cock - men are easier to deal with - but I don't like cock.
the above mentioned woman is currently serving time in a federal prison
but goddamn could she fuck
^ ever have one of them stand over you in the middle of the night while they think you're sleeping and whisper in your face "If you ever leave me I'll kill the next person bitch you're with and then myself"?
If not, you're still a beginner
by the way, the above mentioned woman is currently serving time in a federal prison
but goddamn could she fuck
better put would be "... or the chumps who STAY with them"
sometimes important information is not discovered until you're already balls deep