Women in metal

Just some thoughts I wrote down while reading the article...

As if there weren't a lot of women in metal in the 80's... well not a lot really, but still. I guess women in metal are more common and more accepted by now, though when you leave out the non-metal singers (the opera/angelic types that are often not really metal at all) how many more female metal musicians are there really these days, like the guitarists, bassists, drummers.

I've been a metal fan since around '81 and I've never felt any different as a person from the guys and was always accepted for the shared interest in this great music (in contrast of my highschool years were I was never particularly popular because of extra weight and glasses). I bonded just like the rest of them, esp. since I was initially one of the few female metalheads.

I love a site like Metal Maidens, because they are truly about the music and not so much the sexuality. Although I can't blame a band if they use it e.g. in their promopics to get more attention and sales. But in the end it should go about the women's performance and not so much her sexuality.
wasn't a big fan. I remember Lita Ford. That was a good song she did with Ozzy. I still like it.

I even have this one song I remember hearing on a radio station. I found it funny. Cycle Sluts from Hell- I wish you were a beer.
I hate chicks in metal, the only stuff Ive ever liked was old Nightwish and the first Sinergy album. Angelo Gossow of Arch Enemy can suck a dick. Evanescence suck, Lacuna Coil suck, Crisis suck, Arch Enemy suck now, I dont like chicks in metal at all.

It was different in the 80's because they actually sang,now they are all trying to be manly and sing extreme metal or whatever. Whats next a chick in a black metal band... thats not the keyboard player. Screw that crap.
It was different in the 80's because they actually sang,now they are all trying to be manly and sing extreme metal or whatever. Whats next a chick in a black metal band... thats not the keyboard player. Screw that crap.
Sabina Classen was scarring the shit outa people back in the 80's with her growls, Holy Moses kicked ass then and are still going strong now.
Point being that not every female "sang" in the traditional sense in 80's.. If they can do it, I dont see why they shouldnt have a go.
I remember of Angelica Häggström, she was a very good singer on Thomas Wolf's Stormwind "Stargate" but I've never heard about her anymore: does anybody know anything about?
I hate chicks in metal, the only stuff Ive ever liked was old Nightwish and the first Sinergy album. Angelo Gossow of Arch Enemy can suck a dick. Evanescence suck, Lacuna Coil suck, Crisis suck, Arch Enemy suck now, I dont like chicks in metal at all.

It was different in the 80's because they actually sang,now they are all trying to be manly and sing extreme metal or whatever. Whats next a chick in a black metal band... thats not the keyboard player. Screw that crap.

You hate everything from what i can tell from your posts on this bulletin board/forums that iv'e read lol :lol:
I love metal, pure metal, thrash, power, swedish death, death, black, old school , you name it, but it has to be powerfull metal and to me women are the epitomy of none power in metal. The only women vocals I like in metal are the operatic or enchanting kind. Like old school rock like Heart and Fleetwood Mac. The new Axxis album thats got that Lakonia chick singing on it rocks ass.
I remember of Angelica Häggström, she was a very good singer on Thomas Wolf's Stormwind "Stargate" but I've never heard about her anymore: does anybody know anything about?

No, and I agree that she will gracefully rock in any band. I hope Nightwish is not booking her, she too good for them :lol:

NP: David Gilmour - 'This Heaven'
to me women are the epitomy of none power in metal.

It's your opinion and I respect it, but don't share it. Warlock, Black Knight, Black Widow, Benedictum, Znowhite, Acid, Stos, the aforementioned Stormwind album all have powerful female performers (not to mention Rock Goddess and Girlschool).

NP: Beto Vazquez Infinity - 'Soldier Of Hope'
I agree with Wyvern that there are certainly SOME women in metal that have as many power! Veronica of Benedictum is my favorite I think.
And Everlost, I find some contradiction is these those sentences: "but it has to be powerfull metal and to me women are the epitomy of none power in metal. The only women vocals I like in metal are the operatic or enchanting kind", for I personally believe it's the last group of female vocalists that I find the least powerful of them all (and therefore imo having no business being in metal). And btw, there are already chicks that sing (well, probably more screech) in black metal bands hehehe. I do think though that GENERALLY women vocalists suit rock much better than metal. I LOVE rock singers like Ann Wilson (my all time favorite and idol even without any doubt in the whole wide world ;)), Melissa Etheridge, Anouk etc
I guess you could say that to me anyway Operati or enchanting type music suits well with female singers and I can handle it in small doses like maybe one song an album like Axxis did or Inflames Everlost pt.2 or FIrewinds last album but a whole album of female vocals makes me wanna throw my head through a window. You know how many times Ive passed up a Warlock album knowing its good but just not being able to sit through a female singer for a whole album.
Warlock, Black Knight, Black Widow, Benedictum, Znowhite, Acid, Stos, the aforementioned Stormwind album all have powerful female performers (not to mention Rock Goddess and Girlschool).
Not to forget Détente/Fear Of God (R.I.P. Dawn!), Chastain, Meanstreak, Original Sin, Phantom Blue, Zed Yago, Autumn and Madder Mortem.
:kickass: I loved this band in the 80's... Ruler of the Wasteland and 7th of Never.. great albums... very underrated band back then... though they had a cult following...

as for the other bands you named I only heard Phantom Blue and i wasn't too impressed with them... i still have their album.. listened to it one time and never did again....
Phantom Blue, Zed Yago

Right! I still looking for Phantom Blue albums, having as MP3s is not the same :erk:. Recently acquired a Zed Yago compilation and I wish their albums (both with Jutta) were reissued, the compilation is not enough for me.

I still have to check Chastain and Leather Leone vocals.

Also I want to add tracks 8-12 from Chris Poland "Rare Trax", Carol McArthur vocals are really nice (if you're are into a jazzy/prog mood).

NP: Chris Poland - 'Voyager'
Iv'e never cared who's in what band, if it works and they sound good to me then I'll listen, but if I don't like it I don't have to listen to it.
I'd like to see a chick doing power metal!:headbang:
There probably already exists such a band and I don't know about it.
I love chick singers. Period. That said, and oddly enough, you won't find many female-fronted metal bands on my gold pedastal list, (Nightwish's Once and Benedictum come to mind immediately). You'll find a whole wing dedicated to bands that have male and female vocals though.

Girls generally have angelic voices and are great for hard rock more than metal, and anything on the softer side (and I have my soft side). I love them as an addition to metal to offset male vocals and add another dimension to the music.

Also, I don't think the lack of femme-fronted gold pedastal albums has anything to do with the sex of the singer. Fact is, it's all about songwriting. And for some reason, most of the greatest metal albums of all time just didn't happen to have a chick at the mic.
Ruler of the Wasteland and 7th of Never.. great albums
I think that these two - especially "The 7th Of Never" - are their best albums.

as for the other bands you named I only heard Phantom Blue and i wasn't too impressed with them... i still have their album
Which one?

Right! I still looking for Phantom Blue albums, having as MP3s is not the same :erk:. Recently acquired a Zed Yago compilation and I wish their albums (both with Jutta) were reissued, the compilation is not enough for me.
I do have both Zed Yago albums (with Jutta) as well as Phantom Blue´s "Built To Perform" and "Prime Cuts & Glazed Donuts" on CD (+Phantom Blue´s debut on vinyl), but in spite of the fact that I haven´t listened to them for quite a long time now, I still can´t decide to part with them. Well, thinking about it, I might be willing to part with "Prime Cuts & Glazed Donuts", because it is - at least to me - the least interesting Phantom Blue album. I think it wasn´t officially available, but you had to order it directly from the band.

I still have to check Chastain and Leather Leone vocals.
I think the re-release of "The 7th Of Never" with "The Voice Of The Cult" on one CD would be a good starting-point.
Also, I don't think the lack of femme-fronted gold pedastal albums has anything to do with the sex of the singer. Fact is, it's all about songwriting. And for some reason, most of the greatest metal albums of all time just didn't happen to have a chick at the mic.
I think it is - as always - a question of personal taste. Having a look at my "eternal" playlist (started in 1988), I can tell you that the first eight metal albums on that list - Fear Of God´s "Within The Veil", Atrox´ "Terrestrials", Nightwish´s "Oceanborn", Atrox´ "Orgasm", The Third And The Mortal´s "Tears Laid In Earth", Madder Mortem´s "Deadlands", Détente´s "Recognize No Authority" and Atrox´ "Contentum" - are all female-fronted.

BTW, I forgot to mention another female-fronted band which featured a vocalist with a powerful voice, namely Malteze. To my knowledge, they only released one album titled "Count Your Blessings" in 1990, the title track of which is definitely the best song.