" Women never make mistakes and men can never refuse women's requests! "

Oh I'm quite rational when I need to be. To the point you'd all piss yourselves. To save myself energy, and partly due to being lazy, I don't run at full specs often. It would be too damned stressful.

You try being a critical thinker all the time and see how quickly you get burned out. :)
Right, men have achieved war, the 80 hour work week, smog and so forth whereas all women ever achieved when they were the focal point was a religion that had everyone running off to play in the bushes every couple months, and a society that considered children to be sacred. I totally see your point.

:lol: I was kidding! I'm glad someone had the vim to reply though. :)
[ ]he is passionate and he takes hold of [her] vagina
[ she] is passionate and takes hold of [his] testicles
[ Aliyan] Baal makes love by the thousand
[ The Vi]rgin Anath
[ embrac]ing, conveiving and there is born
[ ]the band of Kosharot
[ the Vir]gin Anath
[ Ali]yan Baal
[ ]reply . . . (Text 132, Gordon 1966, 90 f.)
It's about Ba'al, and he's fucking someone.

Ba'al = Metal
fucking = Metal

That's fucking metal!