Won an iPad. What can it do?


Jan 23, 2006
Central Valley, CA
My lifelong curse of lucklessness at games of chance seems to be turning around...I won an iPad and should have it in a couple of days.
Aside from being a big iPod Touch, what cool stuff can I do with it?
You guys have any favorite apps that I've just got to get?
nothing... i've had one since april of last year and have used it twice.

pretty useless, if you ask me. sell it and buy something more useful. ;)
If your into synth stuff and electronic music there is loads of pretty good stuff. (Good for fun and ideas)

How did you win it by the way?
I use a resource management program all day every day, and they recently launched a mobile version that allows you to access some functions remotely. They're pushing it as an iPhone/iPad app, so they gave one away. Boo-yah.
Some of the little synths and drum machines look kind of cool...I think I'll keep the thing for a while and have some fun. Thanks for the recommendations, fellows.
Download ampkit and practice own face with it?

Bumping this old thread because I figured out how to reamp R.O.S. DI tracks without any of that screatchy shit (took out one AD step in the process and it wasn't an issue).

Things to note: I didn't have the ability to properly record this with the correct gain staging. I was going from the iphone 4's headphone out into a Y splitter that went dual TS into 2 line inputs. So I was going from -10 to +4 line level (I think).

Rose Ampkit.mp3

The things I notice with the app:

The bass settings on any amp seem to do nothing (at least I can't fucking hear it, on or off it adds nothing). I ran this clip with the mids dimed as both the 6505 and Mesa seemed to scooped otherwise.